Chapter 75


AT that time, in the hundred and eightieth year of Yashar'el going down into Mitsrayim, there went forth from Mitsrayim valiant men, thirty thousand on foot, from the children of Yashar'el, who were all of the tribe of Yoceph, of the children of Ephrayim the son of Yoceph.


For they said the period was completed which Yahuah had appointed to the children of Yashar'el in the times of old, which he had spoken to Avraham.


And these men girded themselves, and they put each man his sword at his side, and every man his armor upon him, and they trusted to their strength, and they went out together from Mitsrayim with a mighty hand.


But they brought no provision for the road, only silver and gold, not even bread for that day did they bring in their hands, for they thought of getting their provision for pay from the Pelishtiym, and if not they would take it by force.


And these men were very mighty and valiant men, one man could pursue a thousand and two could rout ten thousand, so they trusted to their strength and went together as they were.


And they directed their course toward the land of Gath, and they went down and found the shepherds of Gath feeding the cattle of the children of Gath.


And they said to the shepherds, Give us some of the sheep for pay, that we may eat, for we are hungry, for we have eaten no bread this day.


And the shepherds said, Are they our sheep or cattle that we should give them to you even for pay? so the children of Ephrayim approached to take them by force.


And the shepherds of Gath shouted over them that their cry was heard at a distance, so all the children of Gath went out to them.


And when the children of Gath saw the evil doings of the children of Ephrayim, they returned and assembled the men of Gath, and they put on each man his armor, and came forth to the children of Ephrayim for battle.


And they engaged with them in the valley of Gath, and the battle was severe, and they smote from each other a great many on that day.


And on the second day the children of Gath sent to all the cities of the Pelishtiym that they should come to their help, saying,


Come up unto us and help us, that we may smite the children of Ephrayim who have come forth from Mitsrayim to take our cattle, and to fight against us without cause.


Now the souls of the children of Ephrayim were exhausted with hunger and thirst, for they had eaten no bread for three days. And forty thousand men went forth from the cities of the Pelishtiym to the assistance of the men of Gath.


And these men were engaged in battle with the children of Ephrayim, and Yahuah delivered the children of Ephrayim into the hands of the Pelishtiym.


And they smote all the children of Ephrayim, all who had gone forth from Mitsrayim, none were remaining but ten men who had run away from the engagement.


For this evil was from Yahuah against the children of Ephrayim, for they transgressed the Word of Yahuah in going forth from Mitsrayim, before the period had arrived which Yahuah in the days of old had appointed to Yashar'el.


And of the Pelishtiym also there fell a great many, about twenty thousand men, and their brethren carried them and buried them in their cities.


And the slain of the children of Ephrayim remained forsaken in the valley of Gath for many days and years, and were not brought to burial, and the valley was filled with men's bones.


And the men who had escaped from the battle came to Mitsrayim, and told all the children of Yashar'el all that had befallen them.


And their father Ephrayim mourned over them for many days, and his brethren came to console him.


And he came unto his woman and she bore a son, and he called his name Beriy'ah, for she was unfortunate in his house.

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