Chapter 74


IN the end of years died Sha'ul king of Edom, and Ba`al Chanan the son of Akbor reigned in his place.


In the sixteenth year of the reign of Mosheh over Kush, Ba`al Chanan the son of Akbor reigned in the land of Edom over all the children of Edom for thirty eight years.


In his days Mo'av rebelled against the power of Edom, having been under Edom since the days of Hadad the son of Bedad, who smote them and Midyan, and brought Mo'av under subjection to Edom.


And when Ba`al Chanan the son of Akbor reigned over Edom, all the children of Mo'av withdrew their allegiance from Edom.


And Angeas king of Africa died in those days, and Azdrubal his son reigned in his stead.


And in those days died Iannes king of the children of Kittiym, and they buried him in his Temple which he had built for himself in the plain of Kanopia for a residence, and Latinus reigned in his stead.


In the twenty second year of the reign of Mosheh over the children of Kush, Latinus reigned over the children of Kittiym forty five years.


And he also built for himself a great and mighty tower, and he built therein an elegant Temple for his residence, to conduct his government, as was the custom.


In the third year of his reign he caused a proclamation to be made to all his skilful men, who made many ships for him.


And Latinus assembled all his forces, and they came in ships, and went therein to fight with Azdrubal son of Angeas king of Africa, and they came to Africa and engaged in battle with Azdrubal and his army.


And Latinus prevailed over Azdrubal, and Latinus took from Azdrubal the aqueduct which his father had brought from the children of Kittiym, when he took Yanyahu the daughter of Uziy for a woman, so Latinus overthrew the bridge of the aqueduct, and smote the whole army of Azdrubal a severe blow.


And the remaining strong men of Azdrubal strengthened themselves, and their hearts were filled with envy, and they courted death, and again engaged in battle with Latinus king of Kittiym.


And the battle was severe upon all the men of Africa, and they all fell wounded before Latinus and his people, and Azdrubal the king also fell in that battle.


And the king Azdrubal had a very beautiful daughter, whose name was Ushpezena, and all the men of Africa embroidered her likeness on their garments, on account of her great beauty and comely appearance.


And the men of Latinus saw Ushpezena, the daughter of Azdrubal, and praised her unto Latinus their king.


And Latinus ordered her to be brought to him, and Latinus took Ushpezena for a woman, and he turned back on his way to Kittiym.


And it was after the death of Azdrubal son of Angeas, when Latinus had turned back to his land from the battle, that all the inhabitants of Africa rose up and took Anibal the son of Angeas, the younger brother of Azdrubal, and made him king instead at his brother over the whole land of Africa.


And when he reigned, he resolved to go to Kittiym to fight with the children of Kittiym, to avenge the cause of Azdrubal his brother, and the cause of the inhabitants of Africa, and he did so.


And he made many ships, and he came therein with his whole army, and he went to Kittiym.


So Anibal fought with the children of Kittiym, and the children of Kittiym fell wounded before Anibal and his army, and Anibal avenged his brother's cause.


And Anibal continued the war for eighteen years with the children of Kittiym, and Anibal dwelt in the land of Kittiym and encamped there for a long time.


And Anibal smote the children of Kittiym very severely, and he slew their great men and princes, and of the rest of the people he smote about eighty thousand men.


And at the end of days and years, Anibal returned to his land of Africa, and he reigned securely in the place of Azdrubal his brother.

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