Chapter 76


AND Mosheh the son of Amram was still king in the land of Kush in those days, and he prospered in his kingdom, and he conducted the government of the children of Kush in justice, in righteousness, and integrity.


And all the children of Kush loved Mosheh all the days that he reigned over them, and all the inhabitants of the land of Kush were greatly afraid of him.


And in the fortieth year of the reign of Mosheh over Kush, Mosheh was sitting on the royal throne while Adonyahu the queen was before him, and all the nobles were sitting around him.


And Adonyahu the queen said before the king and the princes, What is this thing which you, the children of Kush, have done for this long time?


Surely you know that for forty years that this man has reigned over Kush he has not approached me, nor has he served the elohiym of the children of Kush.


Now therefore hear, O ye children of Kush, and let this man no more reign over you as he is not of our flesh.


Behold Menacrus my son is grown up, let him reign over you, for it is better for you to serve the son of your adoniy, than to serve a stranger, slave of the king of Mitsrayim.


And all the people and nobles of the children of Kush heard the words which Adonyahu the queen had spoken in their ears.


And all the people were preparing until the evening, and in the morning they rose up early and made Menacrus, son of Kikianus, king over them.


And all the children of Kush were afraid to stretch forth their hand against Mosheh, for Yahuah was with Mosheh, and the children of Kush remembered the oath which they swore unto Mosheh, therefore they did no harm to him.


But the children of Kush gave many presents to Mosheh, and sent him from them with great honor.


So Mosheh went forth from the land of Kush, and went home and ceased to reign over Kush, and Mosheh was sixty six years old when he went out of the land of Kush, for the thing was from Yahuah, for the period had arrived which he had appointed in the days of old, to bring forth Yashar'el from the affliction of the children of Cham.


So Mosheh went to Midyan, for he was afraid to return to Mitsrayim on account of Phar'oh, and he went and sat at a well of water in Midyan.


And the seven daughters of Re'u'el the Midyaniy went out to feed their father's flock.


And they came to the well and drew water to water their father's flock.


So the shepherds of Midyan came and drove them away, and Mosheh rose up and helped them and watered the flock.


And they came home to their father Re'u'el, and told him what Mosheh did for them.


And they said, A Mitsriy man has delivered us from the hands of the shepherds, he drew up water for us and watered the flock.


And Re'u'el said to his daughters, And where is he? wherefore have you left the man?


And Re'u'el sent for him and fetched him and brought him home, and he ate bread with him.


And Mosheh related to Re'u'el that he had fled from Mitsrayim and that he reigned forty years over Kush, and that they afterward had taken the government from him, and had sent him away in peace with honor and with presents.


And when Re'u'el had heard the words of Mosheh, Re'u'el said within himself, I will put this man into the prison house, whereby I shall conciliate the children of Kush, for he has fled from them.


And they took and put him into the prison house, and Mosheh was in prison ten years, and while Mosheh was in the prison house, Tsipporah the daughter of Re'u'el took pity over him, and supported him with bread and water all the time.


And all the children of Yashar'el were yet in the land of Mitsrayim serving the Mitsriym in all manner of hard work, and the hand of Mitsrayim continued in severity over the children of Yashar'el in those days.


At that time Yahuah smote Phar'oh king of Mitsrayim, and he afflicted with the plague of leprosy from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head; owing to the cruel treatment of the children of Yashar'el was this plague at that time from Yahuah upon Phar'oh king of Mitsrayim.


For Yahuah had hearkened to the prayer of his people the children of Yashar'el, and their cry reached him on account of their hard work.


Still his anger did not turn from them, and the hand of Phar'oh was still stretched out against the children of Yashar'el, and Phar'oh hardened his neck before Yahuah, and he increased his yoke over the children of Yashar'el, and embittered their lives with all manner of hard work.


And when Yahuah had inflicted the plague upon Phar'oh king of Mitsrayim, he asked his wise men and sorcerers to cure him.


And his wise men and sorcerers said unto him, That if the blood of little children were put into the wounds he would be healed.


And Phar'oh hearkened to them, and sent his ministers to Goshen to the children of Yashar'el to take their little children.


And Phar'oh's ministers went and took the infants of the children of Yashar'el from the bosoms of their mothers by force, and they brought them to Phar'oh daily, a child each day, and the physicians killed them and applied them to the plague; thus did they all the days.


And the number of the children which Phar'oh slew was three hundred and seventy five.


But Yahuah hearkened not to the physicians of the king of Mitsrayim, and the plague went on increasing mightily.


And Phar'oh was ten years afflicted with that plague, still the heart of Phar'oh was more hardened against the children of Yashar'el.


And at the end of ten years Yahuah continued to afflict Phar'oh with destructive plagues.


And Yahuah smote him with a bad tumor and sickness at the stomach, and that plague turned to a severe boil.


At that time the two ministers of Phar'oh came from the land of Goshen where all the children of Yashar'el were, and went to the house of Phar'oh and said to him, We have seen the children of Yashar'el slacken in their work and negligent in their labor.


And when Phar'oh heard the words of his ministers, his anger was kindled against the children of Yashar'el exceedingly, for he was greatly grieved at his bodily pain.


And he answered and said, Now that the children of Yashar'el know that I am ill, they turn and scoff at us, now therefore harness my chariot for me, and I will betake myself to Goshen and will see the scoff of the children of Yashar'el with which they are deriding me; so his servants harnessed the chariot for him.


And they took and made him ride upon a horse, for he was not able to ride of himself.


And he took with him ten horsemen and ten footmen, and went to the children of Yashar'el to Goshen.


And when they had come to the border of Mitsrayim, the king's horse passed into a narrow place, elevated in the hollow part of the vineyard, fenced on both sides, the low, plain country being on the other side.


And the horses ran rapidly in that place and pressed each other, and the other horses pressed the king's horse.


And the king's horse fell into the low plain while the king was riding upon it, and when he fell the chariot turned over the king's face and the horse lay upon the king, and the king cried out, for his flesh was very sore.


And the flesh of the king was torn from him, and his bones were broken and he could not ride, for this thing was from Yahuah to him, for Yahuah had heard the cries of his people the children of Yashar'el and their affliction.


And his servants carried him upon their shoulders, a little at a time, and they brought him back to Mitsrayim, and the horsemen who were with him came also back to Mitsrayim.


And they placed him in his bed, and the king knew that his end was come to die, so Aparanith the queen his woman came and cried before the king, and the king wept a great weeping with her.


And all his nobles and servants came on that day and saw the king in that affliction, and wept a great weeping with him.


And the princes of the king and all his counselors advised the king to cause one to reign in his stead in the land, whomsoever he should choose from his sons.


And the king had three sons and two daughters which Aparanith the queen his woman had borne to him, besides the king's children of concubines.


And these were their names, the firstborn Othriy, the second Adikam, and the third Morion, and their sisters, the name of the elder Bathia and of the other Akuziy.


And Othriy the firstborn of the king was an idiot, precipitate and hurried in his words.


But Adikam was a cunning and wise man and knowing in all the wisdom of Mitsrayim, but of unseemly aspect, thick in flesh, and very short in stature; his height was one cubit.


And when the king saw Adikam his son intelligent and wise in all things, the king resolved that he should be king in his stead after his death.


And he took for him a woman Gedudah daughter of Abilot, and he was ten years old, and she bore unto him four sons.


And he afterward went and took three women and begat eight sons and three daughters.


And the disorder greatly prevailed over the king, and his flesh stank like the flesh of a carcass cast upon the field in summer time, during the heat of the sun.


And when the king saw that his sickness had greatly strengthened itself over him, he ordered his son Adikam to be brought to him, and they made him king over the land in his place.


And at the end of three years, the king died, in shame, disgrace, and disgust, and his servants carried him and buried him in the sepulchre of the kings of Mitsrayim in Tso'an Mitsrayim.


But they embalmed him not as was usual with kings, for his flesh was putrid, and they could not approach to embalm him on account of the stench, so they buried him in haste.


For this evil was from Yahuah to him, for Yahuah had requited him evil for the evil which in his days he had done to Yashar'el.


And he died with terror and with shame, and his son Adikam reigned in his place.

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