Chapter 39


AND Ya`aqov dwelt in the land of his father's sojournings in the land of Kena`an. These are the generations of Ya`aqov.


And Yoceph was seventeen years old when they took him down into the land of Mitsrayim, and Potiyphar, a eunuch of Phar'oh, the chief cook bought him.


And he set Yoceph over all his house and the blessing of Yahuah came upon the house of the Mitsriy on account of Yoceph, and Yahuah prospered him in all that he did.


And the Mitsriy committed everything into the hands of Yoceph; for he saw that Yahuah was with him, and that Yahuah prospered him in all that he did.


And Yoceph's appearance was comely and very beautiful was his appearance, and his adoniy's woman lifted up her eyes and saw Yoceph, and she loved him and besought him to lie with her.


But he did not surrender his soul, and he remembered Yahuah and the words which Ya`aqov, his father, used to read from amongst the words of Avraham, that no man should commit fornication with a woman who has a man; that for him the punishment of death has been ordained in the heavens before El Elyon, and the sin will be recorded against him in the eternal cepheriym continually before Yahuah.


And Yoceph remembered these words and refused to lie with her.


And she besought him for a year, but he refused and would not listen.


But she embraced him and held him fast in the house in order to force him to lie with her, and closed the doors of the house and held him fast; but he left his garment in her hands and broke through the door and fled without from her presence.


And the woman saw that he would not lie with her, and she bore false witness of him in the presence of his adoniy, saying: Your Ivriy servant, whom you love, sought to force me so that he might lie with me; and it came to pass when I lifted up my voice that he fled and left his garment in my hands when I held him, and he broke through the door.


And the Mitsriy saw the garment of Yoceph and the broken door, and heard the words of his woman, and cast Yoceph into prison into the place where the prisoners were kept whom the king imprisoned.


And he was there in the prison; and Yahuah gave Yoceph favor in the sight of the chief of the prison guards and compassion before him, for he saw that Yahuah was with him, and that Yahuah made all that he did to prosper.


And he committed all things into his hands, and the chief of the prison guards knew of nothing that was with him, for Yoceph did everything, and Yahuah perfected it.


And he remained there two years. And in those days Phar'oh, king of Mitsrayim was wroth against his two eunuchs, against the chief butler, and against the chief baker, and he put them in ward in the house of the chief cook, in the prison where Yoceph was kept.


And the chief of the prison guards appointed Yoceph to serve them; and he served before them.


And they both dreamed a dream, the chief butler and the chief baker, and they told it to Yoceph.


And as he interpreted to them so it befell them, and Phar'oh restored the chief butler to his office and the chief baker he slew, as Yoceph had interpreted to them.


But the chief butler forgot Yoceph in the prison, although he had informed him what would befall him, and did not remember to inform Phar'oh how Yoceph had told him, for he forgot.

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