AND after that Yahudah spoke to Ya`aqov, his father, and said unto him: Bend your bow, father, and send forth your arrows and cast down the adversary and slay the enemy; and may you have the power, for we shall not slay your brother, for he is such as you, and he is like you let us give him this honor.
Then Ya`aqov bent his bow and sent forth the arrow and struck Esau, his brother on his right breast and slew him.
And again he sent forth an arrow and struck Adoran the Arammiy, on the left breast, and drove him backward and slew him.
And then went forth the sons of Ya`aqov, they and their servants, dividing themselves into companies on the four sides of the tower.
And Yahudah went forth in front, and Naphtaliy and Gad with him and fifty servants with him on the south side of the tower, and they slew all they found before them, and not one individual of them escaped.
And Leviy and Dan and Asher went forth on the east side of the tower, and fifty men with them, and they slew the fighting men of Mo'av and Ammon.
And Re'uven and Yisshakar and Zevulun went forth on the north side of the tower, and fifty men with them, and they slew the fighting men of the Pelishtiym.
And Shim`on and Binyamiyn and Chanok, Re'uven's son, went forth on the west side of the tower, and fifty men with them, and they slew of Edom and of the Choriym four hundred men, stout warriors; and six hundred fled, and four of the sons of Esau fled with them, and left their father lying slain, as he had fallen on the hill which is in Aduram.
And the sons of Ya`aqov pursued after them to the mountains of Se`iyr. And Ya`aqov buried his brother on the hill which is in Aduram, and he returned to his house.
And the sons of Ya`aqov pressed hard upon the sons of Esau in the mountains of Se`iyr, and bowed their necks so that they became servants of the sons of Ya`aqov.
And they sent to their father to inquire whether they should make peace with them or slay them.
And Ya`aqov sent word to his sons that they should make peace, and they made peace with them, and placed the yoke of servitude upon them, so that they paid tribute to Ya`aqov and to his sons always.
And they continued to pay tribute to Ya`aqov until the day that he went down into Mitsrayim.
And the sons of Edom have not got free of the yoke of servitude which the twelve sons of Ya`aqov had imposed on them until this day.
And these are the kings that reigned in Edom before there reigned any king over the children of Yashar'el until this day in the land of Edom.
And Balaq, the son of Be'or, reigned in Edom, and the name of his city was Danaba.
And Balaq died, and Yovav, the son of Zerach of Botsrah, reigned in his stead.
And Yovav died, and Chusham, of the land of Teyman, reigned in his stead.
And Chusham died, and Adath, the son of Barad, who slew Midyan in the field of Mo'av, reigned in his stead, and the name of his city was Aviyth.
And Adath died, and Salman, from Amaseqa, reigned, in his stead.
And Salman died, and Sha'ul of Ra`avoth by the river, reigned in his stead.
And Sha'ul died, and Ba`alunan, the son of Akbor, reigned in his stead.
And Ba`alunan, the son of Akbor died, and Adath reigned in his stead.
And the name of his woman was Maitabith, the daughter of Matarat, the daughter of Metabedza'av.
These are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom.