Chapter 81


AND the children of Yashar'el journeyed from Ra`amcec to Cukkoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides the little ones and their women.


Also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flocks and herds, even much cattle.


And the sojourning of the children of Yashar'el, who dwelt in the land of Mitsrayim in hard labor, was two hundred and ten years.


And at the end of two hundred and ten years, Yahuah brought forth the children of Yashar'el from Mitsrayim with a strong hand.


And the children of Yashar'el traveled from Mitsrayim and from Goshen and from Ra`amcec, and encamped in Cukkoth on the fifteenth day of the first month.


And the Mitsriym buried all their firstborn whom Yahuah had smitten, and all the Mitsriym buried their slain for three days.


And the children of Yashar'el traveled from Cukkoth and encamped in Etham, at the end of the wilderness.


And on the third day after the Mitsriym had buried their firstborn, many men rose up from Mitsrayim and went after Yashar'el to make them return to Mitsrayim, for they repented that they had sent Yashar'el away from their servitude.


And one man said to his neighbor, Surely Mosheh and Aharon spoke to Phar'oh, saying, We will go a three days' journey in the wilderness and sacrifice to Yahuah Elohaynu.


Now therefore let us rise up early in the morning and cause them to return, and it shall be that if they return with us to Mitsrayim to their adoniym, then shall we know that there is faith in them, but if they will not return, then will we fight with them, and make them come back with great power and a strong hand.


And all the nobles of Phar'oh rose up in the morning, and with them about seven hundred thousand men, and they went forth from Mitsrayim on that day, and came to the place where the children of Yashar'el were.


And all the Mitsriym saw and behold Mosheh and Aharon and all the children of Yashar'el were sitting before Piy Ha-Chiyroth, eating and drinking and celebrating the Feast of Yahuah.


And all the Mitsriym said to the children of Yashar'el, Surely you said, We will go a journey for three days in the wilderness and sacrifice to our Elohiym and return.


Now therefore this day makes five days since you went, why do you not return to your adoniym?


And Mosheh and Aharon answered them, saying, Because Yahuah Elohaynu has testified in us, saying, You shall no more return to Mitsrayim, but we will betake ourselves to a land flowing with milk and honey, as Yahuah Elohaynu had sworn to our ancestors to give to us.


And when the nobles of Mitsrayim saw that the children of Yashar'el did not hearken to them, to return to Mitsrayim, they girded themselves to fight with Yashar'el.


And Yahuah strengthened the hearts of the children of Yashar'el over the Mitsriym, that they gave them a severe beating, and the battle was sore upon the Mitsriym, and all the Mitsriym fled from before the children of Yashar'el, for many of them perished by the hand of Yashar'el.


And the nobles of Phar'oh went to Mitsrayim and told Phar'oh, saying, The children of Yashar'el have fled, and will no more return to Mitsrayim, and in this manner did Mosheh and Aharon speak to us.


And Phar'oh heard this thing, and his heart and the hearts of all his subjects were turned against Yashar'el, and they repented that they had sent Yashar'el; and all the Mitsriym advised Phar'oh to pursue the children of Yashar'el to make them come back to their burdens.


And they said each man to his brother, What is this which we have done, that we have sent Yashar'el from our servitude?


And Yahuah strengthened the hearts of all the Mitsriym to pursue Yashar'el, for Yahuah desired to overthrow the Mitsriym in the Red Sea.


And Phar'oh rose up and harnessed his chariot, and he ordered all the Mitsriym to assemble, not one man was left excepting the little ones and the women.


And all the Mitsriym went forth with Phar'oh to pursue the children of Yashar'el, and the camp of Mitsrayim was an exceedingly large and heavy camp, about ten hundred thousand men.


And the whole of this camp went and pursued the children of Yashar'el to bring them back to Mitsrayim, and they reached them encamping by the Red Sea.


And the children of Yashar'el lifted up their eyes, and beheld all the Mitsriym pursuing them, and the children of Yashar'el were greatly terrified at them, and the children of Yashar'el cried to Yahuah.


And on account of the Mitsriym, the children of Yashar'el divided themselves into four divisions, and they were divided in their opinions, for they were afraid of the Mitsriym, and Mosheh spoke to each of them.


The first division was of the children of Re'uven, Shim`on, and Yisshakar, and they resolved to cast themselves into the sea, for they were exceedingly afraid of the Mitsriym.


And Mosheh said to them, Fear not, stand still and see the yeshu`ah of Yahuah which he will effect this day for you.


The second division was of the children of Zevulun, Binyamiyn and Naphtaliy, and they resolved to go back to Mitsrayim with the Mitsriym.


And Mosheh said to them, Fear not, for as you have seen the Mitsriym this day, so shall you see them no more forever.


The third division was of the children of Yahudah and Yoceph, and they resolved to go to meet the Mitsriym to fight with them.


And Mosheh said to them, Stand in your places, for Yahuah will fight for you, and you shall remain silent.


And the fourth division was of the children of Leviy, Gad, and Asher, and they resolved to go into the midst of the Mitsriym to confound them, and Mosheh said to them, Remain in your stations and fear not, only call unto Yahuah that he may save you out of their hands.


After this Mosheh rose up from amidst the people, and he prayed to Yahuah and said,


O Yahuah Elohiym of the whole earth, save now your people whom you did bring forth from Mitsrayim, and let not the Mitsriym boast that power and might are theirs.


So Yahuah said to Mosheh, Why do you cry unto me? speak to the children of Yashar'el that they shall proceed, and do you stretch out your rod upon the sea and divide it, and the children of Yashar'el shall pass through it.


And Mosheh did so, and he lifted up his rod upon the sea and divided it.


And the waters of the sea were divided into twelve parts, and the children of Yashar'el passed through on foot, with shoes, as a man would pass through a prepared road.


And Yahuah manifested to the children of Yashar'el his wonders in Mitsrayim and in the sea by the hand of Mosheh and Aharon.


And when the children of Yashar'el had entered the sea, the Mitsriym came after them, and the waters of the sea resumed upon them, and they all sank in the water, and not one man was left excepting Phar'oh, who gave thanks to Yahuah and believed in him, therefore Yahuah did not cause him to perish at that time with the Mitsriym.


And Yahuah ordered an angel to take him from amongst the Mitsriym, who cast him upon the land of Niyneveh and he reigned over it for a long time.


And on that day Yahuah saved Yashar'el from the hand of Mitsrayim, and all the children of Yashar'el saw that the Mitsriym had perished, and they beheld the great hand of Yahuah, in what he had performed in Mitsrayim and in the sea.


Then sang Mosheh and the children of Yashar'el this song unto Yahuah, on the day when Yahuah caused the Mitsriym to fall before them.


And all Yashar'el sang in concert, saying, I will sing to Yahuah for he is greatly exalted, the horse and his rider has he cast into the sea; behold it is written in the Cepher of the Torah of Elohiym.


After this the children of Yashar'el proceeded on their journey, and encamped in Marah, and Yahuah gave to the children of Yashar'el commandments and judgments in that place in Marah, and Yahuah commanded the children of Yashar'el to walk in all his ways and to serve him.


And they journeyed from Marah and came to Eylim, and in Eylim were twelve springs of water and seventy date trees, and the children encamped there by the waters.


And they journeyed from Eylim and came to the wilderness of Ciyn, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departure from Mitsrayim.


At that time Yahuah gave the manna to the children of Yashar'el to eat, and Yahuah caused food to rain from heaven for the children of Yashar'el day by day.


And the children of Yashar'el ate the manna for forty years, all the days that they were in the wilderness, until they came to the land of Kena`an to possess it.


And they proceeded from the wilderness of Ciyn and encamped in Alush.


And they proceeded from Alush and encamped in Rephiydiym.


And when the children of Yashar'el were in Rephiydiym, Amaleq the son of Eliyphaz, the son of Esau, the brother of Tsepho, came to fight with Yashar'el.


And he brought with him eight hundred and one thousand men, magicians and conjurers, and he prepared for battle with Yashar'el in Rephiydiym.


And they carried on a great and severe battle against Yashar'el, and Yahuah delivered Amaleq and his people into the hands of Mosheh and the children of Yashar'el, and into the hand of Yahusha, the son of Nun, the Ephrathiy, the servant of Mosheh.


And the children of Yashar'el smote Amaleq and his people at the edge of the sword, but the battle was very sore upon the children of Yashar'el.


And Yahuah said to Mosheh, Write this thing as a memorial for you in a cepher, and place it in the hand of Yahusha, the son of Nun, your servant, and you shall command the children of Yashar'el, saying, When you shall come to the land of Kena`an, you shall utterly efface the remembrance of Amaleq from under heaven.


And Mosheh did so, and he took the cepher and wrote upon it these words, saying,


Remember what Amaleq has done to you in the road when you went forth from Mitsrayim.


Who met you in the road and smote your rear, even those that were feeble behind you when you were faint and weary.


Therefore it shall be when Yahuah Elohayka shall have given you rest from all your enemies round about in the land which Yahuah Elohayka gives you for an inheritance, to possess it, that you shall blot out the remembrance of Amaleq from under heaven, you shall not forget it.


And the king who shall have pity on Amaleq, or upon his memory or upon his seed, behold I will require it of him, and I will cut him off from amongst his people.


And Mosheh wrote all these things in a cepher, and he enjoined the children of Yashar'el respecting all these matters.

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