Chapter 80


AND at the end of two years, Yahuah again sent Mosheh to Phar'oh to bring forth the children of Yashar'el, and to send them out of the land of Mitsrayim.


And Mosheh went and came to the house of Phar'oh, and he spoke to him the words of Yahuah who had sent him, but Phar'oh would not hearken to the voice of Yahuah, and Elohiym roused his might in Mitsrayim upon Phar'oh and his subjects, and Elohiym smote Phar'oh and his people with very great and sore plagues.


With all their streams and rivers.


And when a Mitsriy came to drink and draw water, he looked into his pitcher, and behold all the water was turned into blood; and when he came to drink from his cup the water in the cup became blood.


And when a woman kneaded her dough and cooked her victuals, their appearance was turned to that of blood.


And Yahuah sent again and caused all their waters to bring forth frogs, and all the frogs came into the houses of the Mitsriym.


And when the Mitsriym drank, their bellies were filled with frogs and they danced in their bellies as they dance when in the river.


And all their drinking water and cooking water turned to frogs, also when they lay in their beds their perspiration bred frogs.


Notwithstanding all this the anger of Yahuah did not turn from them, and his hand was stretched out against all the Mitsriym to smite them with every heavy plague.


And he sent and smote their dust to lice, and the lice became in Mitsrayim to the height of two cubits upon the earth.


The lice were also very numerous, in the flesh of man and beast, in all the inhabitants of Mitsrayim, also upon the king and queen Yahuah sent the lice, and it grieved Mitsrayim exceedingly on account of the lice.


Notwithstanding this, the anger of Yahuah did not turn away, and his hand was still stretched out over Mitsrayim.


And Yahuah sent all kinds of beasts of the field into Mitsrayim, and they came and destroyed all Mitsrayim, man and beast, and trees, and all things that were in Mitsrayim.


And Yahuah sent fiery serpents, scorpions, mice, weasels, toads, together with others creeping in dust.


Flies, hornets, fleas, bugs and gnats, each swarm according to its kind.


And all reptiles and winged animals according to their kind came to Mitsrayim and grieved the Mitsriym exceedingly.


And the fleas and flies came into the eyes and ears of the Mitsriym.


And the hornet came upon them and drove them away, and they removed from it into their inner rooms, and it pursued them.


And when the Mitsriym hid themselves on account of the swarm of animals, they locked their doors after them, and Elohiym ordered the Sulanuth which was in the sea, to come up and go into Mitsrayim.


And she had long arms, ten cubits in length of the cubit of a man.


And she went upon the roofs and uncovered the raftering and flooring and cut them, and stretched forth her arm into the house and removed the lock and the bolt, and opened the houses of Mitsrayim.


Afterward came the swarm of animals into the houses of Mitsrayim, and the swarm of animals destroyed the Mitsriym, and it grieved them exceedingly.


Notwithstanding this the anger of Yahuah did not turn away from the Mitsriym, and his hand was yet stretched forth against them.


And Elohiym sent the pestilence, and the pestilence pervaded Mitsrayim, in the horses and asses, and in the camels, in herds of oxen and sheep and in man.


And when the Mitsriym rose up early in the morning to take their cattle to pasture they found all their cattle dead.


And there remained of the cattle of the Mitsriym only one in ten, and of the cattle belonging to Yashar'el in Goshen not one died.


And Elohiym sent a burning inflammation in the flesh of the Mitsriym, which burst their skins, and it became a severe itch in all the Mitsriym from the soles of their feet to the crowns of their heads.


And many boils were in their flesh, that their flesh wasted away until they became rotten and putrid.


Notwithstanding this the anger of Yahuah did not turn away, and his hand was still stretched out over all Mitsrayim.


And Yahuah sent a very heavy hail, which smote their vines and broke their fruit trees and dried them up that they fell upon them.


Also every green herb became dry and perished, for a mingling fire descended amidst the hail, therefore the hail and the fire consumed all things.


Also men and beasts that were found abroad perished of the flames of fire and of the hail, and all the young lions were exhausted.


And Yahuah sent and brought numerous locusts into Mitsrayim, the Chasel, Shalom, Chargol, and Chagole, locusts each of its kind, which devoured all that the hail had left remaining.


Then the Mitsriym rejoiced at the locusts, although they consumed the produce of the field, and they caught them in abundance and salted them for food.


And Yahuah turned a mighty wind of the sea which took away all the locusts, even those that were salted, and thrust them into the Red Sea; not one locust remained within the boundaries of Mitsrayim.


And Elohiym sent darkness upon Mitsrayim, that the whole land of Mitsrayim and Pathroc became dark for three days, so that a man could not see his hand when he lifted it to his mouth.


At that time died many of the people of Yashar'el who had rebelled against Yahuah and who would not hearken to Mosheh and Aharon, and believed not in them that Elohiym had sent them.


And who had said, We will not go forth from Mitsrayim lest we perish with hunger in a desolate wilderness, and who would not hearken to the voice of Mosheh.


And Yahuah plagued them in the three days of darkness, and Yashar'el buried them in those days, without the Mitsriym knowing of them or rejoicing over them.


And the darkness was very great in Mitsrayim for three days, and any person who was standing when the darkness came, remained standing in his place, and he that was sitting remained sitting, and he that was lying continued lying in the same state, and he that was walking remained sitting upon the ground in the same spot; and this thing happened to all the Mitsriym, until the darkness had passed away.


And the days of darkness passed away, and Yahuah sent Mosheh and Aharon to the children of Yashar'el, saying, Celebrate your feast and make your Pecach, for behold I come in the midst of the night amongst all the Mitsriym, and I will smite all their firstborn, from the firstborn of a man to the firstborn of a beast, and when I see your Pecach, I will pass over you.


And the children of Yashar'el did according to all that Yahuah had commanded Mosheh and Aharon, thus did they in that night.


And it came to pass in the middle of the night, that Yahuah went forth in the midst of Mitsrayim, and smote all the firstborn of the Mitsriym, from the firstborn of man to the firstborn of beast.


And Phar'oh rose up in the night, he and all his servants and all the Mitsriym, and there was a great cry throughout Mitsrayim in that night, for there was not a house in which there was not a corpse.


Also the likenesses of the firstborn of Mitsrayim, which were carved in the walls at their houses, were destroyed and fell to the ground.


Even the bones of their firstborn who had died before this and whom they had buried in their houses, were raked up by the dogs of Mitsrayim on that night and dragged before the Mitsriym and cast before them.


And all the Mitsriym saw this evil which had suddenly come upon them, and all the Mitsriym cried out with a loud voice.


And all the families of Mitsrayim wept upon that night, each man for his son and each man for his daughter, being the firstborn, and the tumult of Mitsrayim was heard at a distance on that night.


And Bathia the daughter of Phar'oh went forth with the king on that night to seek Mosheh and Aharon in their houses, and they found them in their houses, eating and drinking and rejoicing with all Yashar'el.


And Bathia said to Mosheh, Is this the reward for the good which I have done to you, who have reared you and stretched you out, and you have brought this evil upon me and my father's house?


And Mosheh said to her, Surely ten plagues did Yahuah bring upon Mitsrayim; did any evil accrue to you from any of them? did one of them affect you? and she said, No.


And Mosheh said to her, Although you are the firstborn to your mother, you shall not die, and no evil shall reach you in the midst of Mitsrayim.


And she said, What advantage is it to me, when I see the king, my brother, and all his household and subjects in this evil, whose firstborn perish with all the firstborn of Mitsrayim?


And Mosheh said to her, Surely your brother and his household, and subjects, the families of Mitsrayim, would not hearken to the words of Yahuah, therefore did this evil come upon them.


And Phar'oh king of Mitsrayim approached Mosheh and Aharon, and some of the children of Yashar'el who were with them in that place, and he prayed to them, saying,


Rise up and take your brethren, all the children of Yashar'el who are in the land, with their sheep and oxen, and all belonging to them, they shall leave nothing remaining, only pray for me to Yahuah Elohaykem.


And Mosheh said to Phar'oh, Behold though you are your mother's firstborn, yet fear not, for you will not die, for Yahuah has commanded that you shall live, in order to show you his great might and strong stretched out arm.


And Phar'oh ordered the children of Yashar'el to be sent away, and all the Mitsriym strengthened themselves to send them, for they said, We are all perishing.


And all the Mitsriym sent Yashar'el forth, with great riches, sheep and oxen and precious things, according to the oath of Yahuah between him and our father Avraham.


And the children of Yashar'el delayed going forth at night, and when the Mitsriym came to them to bring them out, they said to them, Are we thieves, that we should go forth at night?


And the children of Yashar'el asked of the Mitsriym, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and garments, and the children of Yashar'el stripped the Mitsriym.


And Mosheh hastened and rose up and went to the river of Mitsrayim, and brought up from thence the coffin of Yoceph and took it with him.


The children of Yashar'el also brought up, each man his father's coffin with him, and each man the coffins of his tribe.

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