Chapter 26


AND in the fifty ninth year of the life of Yitschaq the son of Avraham, Rivqah his woman was still barren in those days.


And Rivqah said unto Yitschaq, Truly I have heard, my adoniy, that your mother Sarah was barren in her days until my adoniy Avraham, your father, prayed for her and she conceived by him.


Now therefore stand up, pray you also to Elohiym and he will hear your prayer and remember us through his mercies.


And Yitschaq answered his woman Rivqah, saying, Avraham has already prayed for me to Elohiym to multiply his seed, now therefore this barrenness must proceed to us from you.


And Rivqah said unto him, But arise now you also and pray, that Yahuah may hear your prayer and grant me children, and Yitschaq hearkened to the words of his woman, and Yitschaq and his woman rose up and went to the land of Moriyah to pray there and to seek Yahuah, and when they had reached that place Yitschaq stood up and prayed to Yahuah on account of his woman because she was barren.


And Yitschaq said, O Yahuah Elohiym of heaven and earth, whose goodness and mercies fill the earth, you who did take my father from his father's house and from his birthplace, and did bring him unto this land, and did say unto him, To your seed will I give the land, and you did promise him and did declare unto him, I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the sea, now may your words be verified which you did speak unto my father.


For you are Yahuah Elohaynu, our eyes are toward you to give us seed of men, as you did promise us, for you are Yahuah Elohaynu and our eyes are directed toward you only.


And Yahuah heard the prayer of Yitschaq the son of Avraham, and Yahuah was entreated of him and Rivqah his woman conceived.


And in about seven months after the children struggled together within her, and it pained her greatly that she was wearied on account of them, and she said to all the women who were then in the land, Did such a thing happen to you as it has to me? and they said unto her, No.


And she said unto them, Why am I alone in this amongst all the women that were upon earth? and she went to the land of Moriyah to seek Yahuah on account of this; and she went to Shem and Eber his son to make inquiries of them in this matter, and that they should seek Yahuah in this thing respecting her.


And she also asked Avraham to seek and inquire of Yahuah about all that had befallen her.


And they all inquired of Yahuah concerning this matter, and they brought her word from Yahuah and told her, Two children are in your womb, and two nations shall rise from them; and one nation shall be stronger than the other, and the greater shall serve the younger.


And when her days to be delivered were completed, she knelt down, and behold there were twins in her womb, as Yahuah had spoken to her.


And the first came out red all over like a hairy garment, and all the people of the land called his name Esau, saying, That this one was made complete from the womb.


And after that came his brother, and his hand took hold of Esau's heel, therefore they called his name Ya`aqov.


And Yitschaq, the son of Avraham, was sixty years old when he begat them.


And the boys grew up to their fifteenth year, and they came amongst the society of men. Esau was a designing and deceitful man, and an expert hunter in the field, and Ya`aqov was a man perfect and wise, dwelling in tents, feeding flocks and learning the instructions of Yahuah and the commands of his father and mother.


And Yitschaq and the children of his household dwelt with his father Avraham in the land of Kena`an, as Elohiym had commanded them.


And Yishma'el the son of Avraham went with his children and all belonging to them, and they returned there to the land of Chaviylah, and they dwelt there.


And all the children of Avraham's concubines went to dwell in the land of the east, for Avraham had sent them away from his son, and had given them presents, and they went away.


And Avraham gave all that he had to his son Yitschaq, and he also gave him all his treasures.


And he commanded him saying, Do you not know and understand Yahuah is Elohiym in heaven and in earth, and there is no other beside him?


And it was he who took me from my father's house, and from my birth place, and gave me all the delights upon earth; who delivered me from the counsel of the wicked, for in him did I trust.


And he brought me to this place, and he delivered me from Ur Kasdiym; and he said unto me, To your seed will I give all these lands, and they shall inherit them when they guard my commandments, my statutes and my judgments that I have commanded you, and which I shall command them.


Now therefore my son, hearken to my voice, and guard the commandments of Yahuah Elohayka, which I commanded you, do not turn from the right way either to the right or to the left, in order that it may be well with you and your children after you forever.


And remember the wonderful works of Yahuah, and his kindness that he has shown toward us, in having delivered us from the hands of our enemies, and Yahuah Elohaynu caused them to fall into our hands; and now therefore guard all that I have commanded you, and turn not away from the commandments of your Elohiym, and serve none beside him, in order that it may be well with you and your seed after you.


And teach you your children and your seed the instructions of Yahuah and his commandments, and teach them the upright way in which they should go, in order that it may be well with them forever.


And Yitschaq answered his father and said unto him, That which my Adonai has commanded that will I do, and I will not depart from the commands of Yahuah Elohai, I will guard all that he commanded me; and Avraham blessed his son Yitschaq, and also his children; and Avraham taught Ya`aqov the instruction of Yahuah and his ways.


And it was at that time that Avraham died, in the fifteenth year of the life of Ya`aqov and Esau, the sons of Yitschaq, and all the days of Avraham were one hundred and seventy five years, and he died and was gathered to his people in good old age, old and satisfied with days, and Yitschaq and Yishma'el his sons buried him.


And when the inhabitants of Kena`an heard that Avraham was dead, they all came with their kings and princes and all their men to bury Avraham.


And all the inhabitants of the land of Haran, and all the families of the house of Avraham, and all the princes and grandees, and the sons of Avraham by the concubines, all came when they heard of Avraham's death, and they requited Avraham's kindness, and comforted Yitschaq his son, and they buried Avraham in the cave which he bought from Ephron the Chittiym and his children, for the possession of a burial place.


And all the inhabitants of Kena`an, and all those who had known Avraham, wept for Avraham a whole year, and men and women mourned over him.


And all the little children, and all the inhabitants of the land wept on account of Avraham, for Avraham had been good to them all, and because he had been upright with Elohiym and men.


And there arose not a man who feared Elohiym like unto Avraham, for he had feared his Elohiym from his youth, and had served Yahuah, and had gone in all his ways during his life, from his childhood to the day of his death.


And Yahuah was with him and delivered him from the counsel of Nimrod and his people, and when he made war with the four kings of Eylam he conquered them.


And he brought all the children of the earth to the service of Elohiym, and he taught them the ways of Yahuah, and caused them to know Yahuah.


And he formed a grove and he planted a vineyard therein, and he had always prepared in his tent meat and drink to those that passed through the land, that they might satisfy themselves in his house.


And Yahuah Elohiym delivered the whole earth on account of Avraham.


And it was after the death of Avraham that Elohiym blessed his son Yitschaq and his children, and Yahuah was with Yitschaq as he had been with his father Avraham, for Yitschaq kept all the commandments of Yahuah as Avraham his father had commanded him; he did not turn to the right or to the left from the right path which his father had commanded him.

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