AND it was at that time that Avraham again took a woman in his old age, and her name was Qeturah, from the land of Kena`an.
And she bore unto him Zimran, Yoqshan, Medan, Midyan, Yishbaq and Shuach, being six sons. And the children of Zimran were Abihen, Molich and Narim.
And the sons of Yoqshan were Sheva and Dedan, and the sons of Medan were Amida, Yo'av, Gochiy, Eliysha and Nothach; and the sons of Midyan were Eyphah, Epher, Chanok, Aviyda and Elda`ah.
And the sons of Yishbaq were Makiro, Beyodua and Tator.
And the sons of Shuach were Bildad, Mamdad, Munan and Meban; all these are the families of the children of Qeturah the Kena`aniy woman which she bore unto Avraham the Ivriy.
And Avraham sent all these away, and he gave them gifts, and they went away from his son Yitschaq to dwell wherever they should find a place.
And all these went to the mountain at the east, and they built themselves six cities in which they dwelt unto this day.
But the children of Sheva and Dedan, children of Yoqshan, with their children, did not dwell with their brethren in their cities, and they journeyed and encamped in the countries and wildernesses unto this day.
And the children of Midyan, son of Avraham, went to the east of the land of Kush, and they there found a large valley in the eastern country, and they remained there and built a city, and they dwelt therein, that is the land of Midyan unto this day.
And Midyan dwelt in the city which he built, he and his five sons and all belonging to him.
And these are the names of the sons of Midyan according to their names in their cities, Eyphah, Epher, Chanok, Aviyda and Elda`ah.
And the sons of Eyphah were Methach, Meshar, Aviy and Tsanua, and the sons of Epher were Ephron, Tsur, Alirun and Medin, and the sons of Chanok were Re'u'el, Reqem, Aziy, Alyoshuv and Alad.
And the sons of Aviyda were Choriy, Melud, Kerury, Molchiy; and the sons of Elda`ah were Miyker, and Reva, and Malkiyahu and Gabol; these are the names of the Midyaniym according to their families; and afterward the families of Midyan spread throughout the land of Midyan.
And these are the generations of Yishma'el the son Avraham, whom Ha'ger, Sarah's handmaid, bore unto Avraham.
And Yishma'el took a woman from the land of Mitsrayim, and her name was Riv'ah, the same is Meriyvah.
And Riv'ah bore unto Yishma'el Nevayoth, Qedar, Adbe'el, Mivsam and their sister Basmath.
And Yishma'el cast away his woman Riv'ah, and she went from him and returned to Mitsrayim to the house of her father, and she dwelt there, for she had been very bad in the sight of Yishma'el, and in the sight of his father Avraham.
And Yishma'el afterward took a woman from the land of Kena`an, and her name was Malchuth, and she bore unto him Nishma, Dumah, Massa, Chadad, Teyma, Yetur, Naphiysh and Kedma.
These are the sons of Yishma'el, and these are their names, being twelve princes according to their nations; and the families of Yishma'el afterward spread forth, and Yishma'el took his children and all the property that he had gained, together with the souls of his household and all belonging to him, and they went to dwell where they should find a place.
And they went and dwelt near the wilderness of Pa'ran, and their dwelling was from Chaviylah unto Shur, that is before Mitsrayim as you come toward Ashshur.
And Yishma'el and his sons dwelt in the land, and they had children born to them, and they were fruitful and increased abundantly.
And these are the names of the sons of Nevayoth the firstborn of Yishma'el; Mend, Send, Mayon; and the sons of Qedar were Alyon, Kezem, Chamad and Eliy.
And the sons of Adbe'el were Chamad and Yaviyn; and the sons of Mivsam were Ovadyahu, Eved Melek and Ye'ush; these are the families of the children of Riv'ah the woman of Yishma'el.
And the sons of Mishma the son of Yishma'el were Shamua, Zekaryon and Oved; and the sons of Dumah were Kezed, Eliy, Machmad and Amed.
And the sons of Massa were Melon, Mula and Ebidadon; and the sons of Chadad were Azzur, Minzar and Eved Melek; and the sons of Teyma were Se'iyr, Sadon and Yakol.
And the sons of Yetur were Merith, Ya'iysh, Alyo, and Pachoth; and the sons of Naphiysh were Eved Tamed, Aviy'acaph and Mir; and the sons of Qedemah were Kaliyph, Tachtiy, and Omiyr; these were the children of Malchuth the woman of Yishma'el according to their families.
All these are the families of Yishma'el according to their generations, and they dwelt in those lands wherein they had built themselves cities unto this day.
And Rivqah the daughter of Bethu'el, the woman of Avraham's son Yitschaq, was barren in those days, she had no offspring; and Yitschaq dwelt with his father in the land of Kena`an; and Yahuah was with Yitschaq; and Arpakshad the son of Shem the son of Noach died in those days, in the forty eighth year of the life of Yitschaq, and all the days that Arpakshad lived were four hundred and thirty eight years, and he died.