AND he answered and said unto me: Inasmuch as the revelation of this vision has been interpreted to you as you besought, hear the Word of El Elyon that you may know what is to befall you after these things.
For you shall surely depart from this earth, nevertheless not unto death, but you shall be preserved unto the consummation of the times.
Go up therefore to the top of that mountain, and there shall pass before you all the regions of that land, and the figure of the inhabited world, and the tops of the mountains, and the depths of the valleys, and the depths of the seas, and the number of the rivers, that you may see what you are leaving, and whither you are going.
Now this shall befall after forty days. Go now therefore during these days and instruct the people so far as you are able, that they may learn so as not to die at the last time, but may learn in order that they may live at the last times.