Chapter 75


AND I answered and said: Who can understand, O Yahuah, your goodness? For it is incomprehensible.


Or who can search into your compassions, which are infinite?


Or who can comprehend your intelligence?


Or who is able to recount the thoughts of your mind?


Or who of those who are born can hope to come to those things, unless he is one to whom you are merciful and gracious?


Because, if assuredly you did not have compassion on man, those who are under your right hand, they could not come to those things, but those who are in the numbers named can be called.


But if, indeed, we who exist know wherefore we have come, and submit ourselves to him who brought us out of Mitsrayim, we shall come again and remember those things which have passed, and shall rejoice regarding that which has been.


But if now we know not wherefore we have come, and recognize not the Principate of him who brought us up out of Mitsrayim, we shall come again and seek after those things which have been now, and be grieved with pain because of those things which have befallen.

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