Chapter 4


AND Yahuah said unto me: This city shall be delivered up for a time; and the people shall be chastened during a time; and the world will not be given over to oblivion.


Do you think that this is that city of which I said: On the palms of my hands have I graven you?


This building now built in your midst is not that which is revealed with me, that which was prepared beforehand here from the time when I took counsel to make Paradise, and showed it to A'dam before he sinned, but when he transgressed the commandment it was removed from him, as also Paradise.


And after these things I showed it to my servant Avraham by night among the portions of the victims.


And again also I showed it to Mosheh on Mount Ciynai when I showed to him the likeness of the Tabernacle and all its vessels.


And now, behold, it is preserved with me, as also Paradise. Go, therefore, and do as I command you.

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