AND I said: O Yahuah, my Adonai, have I come into the world for this purpose that I might see the evils of my mother?
Not so my Adonai. If I have found grace in your sight, first take my ruach that I may go to my fathers and not behold the destruction of my mother.
For two things vehemently constrain me: for I cannot resist you, and my soul, moreover, cannot behold the evils of my mother.
But one thing I will say in your presence, O Yahuah. What, therefore, will there be after these things?
For if you destroy your city, and deliver up your land to those that hate us, how shall the name of Yashar'el be again remembered?
Or how shall one speak of your praises? Or to whom shall that which is in your Torah be explained?
Or shall the world return to its nature of aforetime and the age revert to primeval silence?
And shall the multitude of souls be taken away, and the nature of man not again be named? And where is all that which you did say to Mosheh regarding us?