Spoken by David when he was contending with the lion and the wolf which took a sheep from his flock.
O Elohiym, O Elohiym, come to my aid; help me and save me; deliver my soul from the slayer.
Shall I go down to She'ol by the mouth of the lion? Or shall the wolf confound me?
Was it not enough for them that they lay in wait for my father's flock, and rent in pieces a sheep of my father's drove, but they were wishing also to destroy my soul?
Have pity, O Yahuah, and save your holy one from destruction; that he may rehearse your glories in all his times, and may praise your great name:
When you have delivered him from the hands of the destroying lion and of the ravening wolf, and when you have rescued my captivity from the hands of the wild beasts.
Quickly, O Adonai, send from before you a deliverer, and draw me out of the gaping pit, which imprisons me in its depths.