Chapter 152

The Prayer of Yechizqiyahu when enemies surrounded him.


WITH a loud voice, glorify Elohiym; in the assembly of many proclaim his glory.


Amid the multitude of the upright glorify his praise; and speak of his glory with the righteous.


Join your soul to the good and to the perfect, to glorify El Elyon.


Gather yourselves together to make known his strength; and be not slow in showing forth his deliverance and his strength and his glory to all children.


That the honor of Yahuah may be known, wisdom has been given; and to tell of his works it has been made known to men:


To make known unto children his strength, and to make them that lack understanding to comprehend his glory;


who are far from his entrances and distant from his gates:


Because Yahuah of Ya`aqov is exalted, and his glory is upon all his works.


And a man who glorifies El Elyon, in him will he take pleasure; as in one who offers fine meal, and as in one who offers he-goats and calves;


and as in one who makes fat the altar with a multitude of ascending smoke offerings; and as the smell of incense from the hands of the just.


From your upright gates shall be heard his voice, and from the voice of the upright admonition.


And in their eating shall they be satisfied in truth, and in their drinking, when they share together.


Their dwelling is in the Torah of El Elyon, and their speech is to make known his strength.


How far from the wicked is the speech of him, and from all transgressors to know him!


Lo, the eye of Yahuah takes pity on the good, and unto them that glorify him will he multiply mercy, and from the time of evil will he deliver their soul.


Blessed be Yahuah, who has delivered the wretched from the hand of the wicked; who raises up a horn out of Ya`aqov and a Judge of the nations out of Yashar'el;


that he may prolong his dwelling in Tsiyon, and may adorn our age in Yerushalayim.

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