HE that fears Yahuah will do good, and he that has the knowledge of the Torah shall obtain her.
And as a mother shall she meet him, and receive him as a woman married of a virgin.
With the bread of understanding shall she feed him, and give him the water of wisdom to drink.
He shall be stayed upon her, and shall not be moved; and shall rely upon her, and shall not be confounded.
She shall exalt him above his neighbors, and in the midst of the assembly shall she open his mouth.
He shall find joy and a crown of gladness, and she shall cause him to inherit an everlasting name.
But foolish men shall not attain unto her, and sinners shall not see her.
For she is far from pride, and men that are liars cannot remember her.
Praise is not seemly in the mouth of a sinner, for it was not sent him of Yahuah.
For praise shall be uttered in wisdom, and Yahuah will prosper it.
Say not, It is through Yahuah that I fell away: for you ought not to do the things that he hates.
Say not, He has caused me to err: for he has no need of the sinful man.
Yahuah hates all abomination; and they that fear Elohiym love it not.
He himself made man from the beginning, and left him in the hand of his counsel;
If you will, to guard the commandments, and to perform acceptable faithfulness.
He has set fire and water before you: stretch forth your hand unto whether you will.
Before man is life and death; and whether him likes shall be given him.
For the wisdom of Yahuah is great, and he is mighty in power, and beholds all things:
And his eyes are upon them that fear him, and he knows every work of man.
He has commanded no man to do wickedly, neither has he given any man licence to sin.