AND after this Torah I made known to you the days of the Shabbaths in the desert of Ciynai, which is between Eylim and Ciynai.
And I told you of the Shabbaths of the land on Mount Ciynai, and I told you of the jubilee years in the Shabbaths of years: but the year thereof have I not told you till ye enter the land which ye are to possess.
And the land also shall guard its Shabbaths while they dwell upon it, and they shall know the jubilee year.
Wherefore I have ordained for you the year weeks and the years and the jubilees: there are forty nine jubilees from the days of A'dam until this day, and one week and two years: and there are yet forty years to come for learning the commandments of Yahuah, until they pass over into the land of Kena`an, crossing the Yardan to the west.
And the jubilees shall pass by, until Yashar'el is cleansed from all guilt of fornication, and uncleanness, and pollution, and sin, and error, and dwells with confidence in all the land, and there shall be no more a Satan or any evil one, and the land shall be clean from that time forevermore.
And behold the commandment regarding the Shabbaths I have written them down for you and all the judgments of its Torah.
Six days shall you labor, but on the seventh day is the Shabbath of Yahuah Elohaykem. In it ye shall do no manner of work, ye and your sons, and your menservants and your maidservants, and all your cattle and the sojourner also who is with you.
And the man that does any work on it shall die: whosoever desecrates that day, whosoever lies with his woman, or whosoever says he will do something on it, that he will set out on a journey thereon in regard to any buying or selling: and whosoever draws water thereon which he had not prepared for himself on the sixth day, and whosoever takes up any burden to carry it out of his tent or out of his house shall die.
Ye shall do no work whatsoever on the Shabbath save what ye have prepared for yourselves on the sixth day, so as to eat, and drink, and rest, and guard the Shabbath from all work on that day, and to bless Yahuah Elohaykem, who has given you a day of feast and a holy day: and a day of the holy Kingdom for all Yashar'el is this day among their days forever.
For great is the honor which Yahuah has given to Yashar'el that they should eat and drink and be satisfied on this feast day, and rest thereon from all labor which belongs to the labor of the children of men save burning frankincense and bringing oblations and sacrifices before Yahuah for days and for Shabbaths.
This work alone shall be done on the Shabbath in the sanctuary of Yahuah Elohaykem; that they may atone for Yashar'el with sacrifice continually from day to day for a memorial well pleasing before Yahuah, and that he may receive them always from day to day according as you have been commanded.
And every man who does any work thereon, or goes on a journey, or tills his farm, whether in his house or any other place, and whosoever lights a fire, or rides on any beast, or travels by ship on the sea, and whosoever strikes or kills anything, or slaughters a beast or a bird, or whosoever catches an animal or a bird or a fish, or whosoever fasts or makes war on the Shabbaths:
The man who does any of these things on the Shabbath shall die, so that the children of Yashar'el shall observe the Shabbaths according to the commandments regarding the Shabbaths of the land, as it is written in the caphire stones, which he gave into my hands that I should write out for you the Torah of the seasons, and the seasons according to the division of their days. Herewith is completed the account of the division of the days.