AND Yashar'el went into the country of Mitsrayim, into the land of Goshen, on the New Moon of the fourth month, in the second year of the third week of the forty fifth jubilee.
And Yoceph went to meet his father Ya`aqov, to the land of Goshen, and he fell on his father's neck and wept.
And Yashar'el said unto Yoceph: Now let me die since I have seen you, and now may Yahuah Elohiym of Yashar'el be blessed the Elohiym of Avraham and the Elohiym of Yitschaq who has not withheld his mercy and his grace from his servant Ya`aqov.
It is enough for me that I have seen your face while I am yet alive; yea, true is the vision which I saw at Beyt-El. Blessed be Yahuah Elohai forever and ever, and blessed be his name.
And Yoceph and his brothers ate bread before their father and drank wine, and Ya`aqov rejoiced with exceeding great joy because he saw Yoceph eating with his brothers and drinking before him, and he blessed the Creator of all things who had preserved him, and had preserved for him his twelve sons.
And Yoceph had given to his father and to his brothers as a gift the right of dwelling in the land of Goshen and in Ra`amcec and all the region round about, which he ruled over before Phar'oh. And Yashar'el and his sons dwelt in the land of Goshen, the best part of the land of Mitsrayim and Yashar'el was one hundred and thirty years old when he came into Mitsrayim.
And Yoceph nourished his father and his brethren and also their possessions with bread as much as sufficed them for the seven years of the famine.
And the land of Mitsrayim suffered by reason of the famine, and Yoceph acquired all the land of Mitsrayim for Phar'oh in return for food, and he got possession of the people and their cattle and everything for Phar'oh.
And the years of the famine were accomplished, and Yoceph gave to the people in the land seed and food that they might sow the land in the eighth year, for the river had overflowed all the land of Mitsrayim.
For in the seven years of the famine it had not overflowed and had irrigated only a few places on the banks of the river, but now it overflowed and the Mitsriym sowed the land, and it bore much grain that year.
And this was the first year of the fourth week of the forty fifth jubilee.
And Yoceph took of the grain of the harvest the fifth part for the king and left four parts for them for food and for seed, and Yoceph made it an ordinance for the land of Mitsrayim until this day.
And Yashar'el lived in the land of Mitsrayim seventeen years, and all the days which he lived were three jubilees, one hundred and forty seven years, and he died in the fourth year of the fifth week of the forty fifth jubilee.
And Yashar'el blessed his sons before he died and told them everything that would befall them in the land of Mitsrayim; and he made known to them what would come upon them in the last days, and blessed them and gave to Yoceph two portions in the land.
And he slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the double cave in the land of Kena`an, near Avraham his father in the grave which he dug for himself in the double cave in the land of Chevron.
And he gave all his cepheriym and the cepheriym of his fathers to Leviy his son that he might guard them and renew them for his children until this day.