AND Ya`aqov went and dwelt to the south of Magdaladra'ef. And he went to his father Yitschaq, he and Le'ah his woman, on the New Moon of the tenth month.
And Re'uven saw Bilhah, Rachel's maid, the concubine of his father, bathing in water in a secret place, and he loved her.
And he hid himself at night, and he entered the house of Bilhah at night, and he found her sleeping alone on a bed in her house.
And he lay with her, and she awoke and saw, and behold Re'uven was lying with her in the bed, and she uncovered the border of her covering and seized him, and cried out, and discovered that it was Re'uven.
And she was ashamed because of him, and released her hand from him, and he fled.
And she lamented because of this thing exceedingly, and did not tell it to anyone. And when Ya`aqov returned and sought her, she said unto him: I am not clean for you, for I have been defiled as regards you;
For Re'uven has defiled me, and has lain with me in the night, and I was asleep, and did not discover until he uncovered my skirt and slept with me.'
And Ya`aqov was exceedingly wroth with Re'uven because he had lain with Bilhah, because he had uncovered his father's skirt.
And Ya`aqov did not approach her again because Re'uven had defiled her. And as for any man who uncovers his father's skirt his deed is wicked exceedingly, for he is abominable before Yahuah.
For this reason it is written and ordained on the heavenly tablets that a man should not lie with his father's woman, and should not uncover his father's skirt, for this is unclean: they shall surely die together, the man who lies with his father's woman and the woman also, for they have wrought uncleanness on the earth.
And there shall be nothing unclean before our Elohiym in the nation which he has chosen for himself as a possession.
And again, it is written a second time: Cursed be he who lies with the woman of his father, for he has uncovered his father's shame; and all the qodeshiym of Yahuah said: So be it; so be it.
And do you, Mosheh, command the children of Yashar'el that they observe this word; for it entails a punishment of death; and it is unclean, and there is no atonement forever to atone for the man who has committed this, but he is to be put to death and slain, and stoned with stones, and rooted out from the midst of the people of our Elohiym.
For to no man who does so in Yashar'el is it permitted to remain alive a single day on the earth, for he is abominable and unclean.
And let them not say: to Re'uven was granted life and forgiveness after he had lain with his father's concubine, and to her also though she had a man, and her man Ya`aqov, his father, was still alive.
For until that time there had not been revealed the ordinance and judgment and Torah in its completeness for all, but in your days it has been revealed as a Torah of seasons and of days, and an everlasting Torah for the everlasting generations.
And for this Torah there is no consummation of days, and no atonement for it, but they must both be rooted out in the midst of the nation: on the day whereon they committed it they shall slay them.
And do you, Mosheh, write it down for Yashar'el that they may observe it, and do according to these words, and not commit a sin unto death; for Yahuah Elohaynu is Judge, who respects not persons and accepts not gifts.
And tell them these words of the covenant, that they may hear and observe, and be on their guard with respect to them, and not be destroyed and rooted out of the land; for an uncleanness, and an abomination, and a contamination, and a pollution are all they who commit it on the earth before our Elohiym.
And there is no greater sin than the fornication which they commit on earth; for Yashar'el is a holy nation unto Yahuah its Elohiym, and a nation of inheritance, and a priestly and royal nation and for his own possession; and there shall no such uncleanness appear in the midst of the holy nation.
And in the third year of this sixth week Ya`aqov and all his sons went and dwelt in the house of Avraham, near Yitschaq his father and Rivqah his mother.
And these were the names of the sons of Ya`aqov: the firstborn Re'uven, Shim`on, Leviy, Yahudah, Yisshakar, Zevulun, the sons of Le'ah; and the sons of Rachel, Yoceph and Binyamiyn; and the sons of Bilhah, Dan and Naphtaliy; and the sons of Zilpah, Gad and Asher; and Diynah, the daughter of Le'ah, the only daughter of Ya`aqov.
And they came and bowed themselves to Yitschaq and Rivqah, and when they saw them they blessed Ya`aqov and all his sons, and Yitschaq rejoiced exceedingly, for he saw the sons of Ya`aqov, his younger son and he blessed them.