AND in the first year of the first week in the forty second jubilee, Avraham returned and dwelt opposite Chevron, that is Qiryat Arba, two weeks of years.
And in the first year of the third week of this jubilee the days of the life of Sarah were accomplished, and she died in Chevron.
And Avraham went to mourn over her and bury her, and we tried him to see if his ruach were patient and he were not indignant in the words of his mouth; and he was found patient in this, and was not disturbed.
For in patience of the ruach he conversed with the children of Cheth, to the intent that they should give him a place in which to bury his dead.
And Yahuah gave him grace before all who saw him, and he besought in gentleness the sons of Cheth, and they gave him the land of the double cave over against Mamre, that is Chevron, for four hundred pieces of silver.
And they besought him saying, We shall give it to you for nothing; but he would not take it from their hands for nothing, for he gave the price of the place, the money in full, and he bowed down before them twice, and after this he buried his dead in the double cave.
And all the days of the life of Sarah were one hundred and twenty seven years, that is, two jubilees and four weeks and one year: these are the days of the years of the life of Sarah.
This is the tenth trial wherewith Avraham was tried, and he was found faithful, patient in the ruach.
And he said not a single word regarding the rumor in the land how that Elohiym had said that he would give it to him and to his seed after him, and he begged a place there to bury his dead; for he was found faithful, and was recorded on the heavenly tablets as the friend of Elohiym.
And in the fourth year thereof he took a woman for his son Yitschaq and her name was Rivqah the daughter of Bethu'el, the son of Nachor, the brother of Avraham the sister of Lavan and daughter of Bethu'el; and Bethu'el was the son of Milkah, who was the woman of Nachor, the brother of Avraham.
And Avraham took to himself a third woman, and her name was Qeturah, from among the daughters of his household servants, for Ha'ger had died before Sarah.
And she bore him six sons, Zimran, and Yoqshan, and Medan, and Midyan, and Yishbaq, and Shuach, in the two weeks of years.
And in the sixth week, in the second year thereof, Rivqah bore to Yitschaq two sons, Ya`aqov and Esau, and Ya`aqov was a smooth and upright man, and Esau was fierce, a man of the field, and hairy, and Ya`aqov dwelt in tents.
And the youths grew, and Ya`aqov learned to write; but Esau did not learn, for he was a man of the field and a hunter, and he learned war, and all his deeds were fierce.
And Avraham loved Ya`aqov, but Yitschaq loved Esau.
And Avraham saw the deeds of Esau, and he knew that in Ya`aqov should his name and seed be called; and he called Rivqah and gave commandment regarding Ya`aqov, for he knew that she too loved Ya`aqov much more than Esau.
And he said unto her: my daughter, watch over my son Ya`aqov, for he shall be in my stead on the earth, and for a blessing in the midst of the children of men, and for the glory of the whole seed of Shem.
For I know that Yahuah will choose him to be a people for possession unto himself, above all peoples that are upon the face of the earth.
And behold, Yitschaq my son loves Esau more than Ya`aqov, but I see that you truly love Ya`aqov. Add still further to your kindness to him,
And let your eyes be upon him in love; For he shall be a blessing unto us on the earth from henceforth unto all generations of the earth. Let your hands be strong and let your heart rejoice in your son Ya`aqov; For I have loved him far beyond all my sons.
He shall be blessed forever, and his seed shall fill the whole earth.
If a man can number the sand of the earth, his seed also shall be numbered.
And all the blessings wherewith Yahuah has blessed me and my seed shall belong to Ya`aqov and his seed always.
And in his seed shall my name be blessed, and the name of my fathers, Shem, and Noach, and Chanok, and Mahalal'el, and Enosh, and Sheth, and A'dam.
And these shall serve to lay the foundations of the heaven, and to strengthen the earth, and to renew all the luminaries which are in the expanse.
And he called Ya`aqov before the eyes of Rivqah his mother, and kissed him, and blessed him, and said:
Ya`aqov, my yachiyd, whom my soul loves, may Elohiym bless you from above the expanse, and may he give you all the blessings wherewith he blessed A'dam, and Chanok, and Noach, and Shem; and all the things of which he told me, and all the things which he promised to give me, may he cause to cleave to you and to your seed forever, according to the days of heaven above the earth.
And the ruachoth of Mastema shall not rule over you or over your seed to turn you from Yahuah, who is your Elohiym from henceforth forever.
And may Yahuah Elohiym be a Father to you and you the firstborn son, and to the people always.
Go in peace, my son.' And they both went forth together from Avraham.
And Rivqah loved Ya`aqov, with all her heart and with all her soul, very much more than Esau; but Yitschaq loved Esau much more than Ya`aqov.