AT that time Qorach the son of Yetser the son of Qohath the son of Leviy, took many men of the children of Yashar'el, and they rose up and quarreled with Mosheh and Aharon and the whole assembly.
And Yahuah was angry with them, and the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed them up, with their houses and all belonging to them, and all the men belonging to Qorach.
And after this Elohiym made the people go round by the way of Mount Se'iyr for a long time.
At that time Yahuah said unto Mosheh, Provoke not a war against the children of Esau, for I will not give to you of anything belonging to them, as much as the sole of the foot could tread upon, for I have given Mount Se'iyr for an inheritance to Esau.
Therefore did the children of Esau fight against the children of Se'iyr in former times, and Yahuah had delivered the children of Se'iyr into the hands of the children of Esau, and destroyed them from before them, and the children of Esau dwelt in their stead unto this day.
Therefore Yahuah said to the children of Yashar'el, Fight not against the children of Esau your brethren, for nothing in their land belongs to you, but you may buy food of them for money and eat it, and you may buy water of them for money and drink it.
And the children of Yashar'el did according to the Word of Yahuah.
And the children of Yashar'el went about the wilderness, going round by the way of Mount Ciynai for a long time, and touched not the children of Esau, and they continued in that district for nineteen years.
At that time died Latinus king of the children of Kittiym, in the forty fifth year of his reign, which is the fourteenth year of the children of Yashar'el's departure from Mitsrayim.
And they buried him in his place which he had built for himself in the land of Kittiym, and Abimnas reigned in his place for thirty eight years.
And the children of Yashar'el passed the boundary of the children of Esau in those days, at the end of nineteen years, and they came and passed the road of the wilderness of Mo'av.
And Yahuah said to Mosheh, besiege not Mo'av, and do not fight against them, for I will give you nothing of their land.
And the children of Yashar'el passed the road of the wilderness of Mo'av for nineteen years, and they did not fight against them.
And in the thirty sixth year of the children of Yashar'el's departing from Mitsrayim Yahuah smote the heart of Ciychon, king of the Emoriym, and he waged war, and went forth to fight against the children of Mo'av.
And Ciychon sent messengers to Be'or the son of Iannes, the son of Bil'am, counselor to the king of Mitsrayim, and to Bil'am his son, to curse Mo'av, in order that it might be delivered into the hand of Ciychon.
And the messengers went and brought Be'or the son of Iannes, and Bil'am his son, from Pethor in Aram Naharayim, so Be'or and Bil'am his son came to the city of Ciychon and they cursed Mo'av and their king in the presence of Ciychon king of the Emoriym.
So Ciychon went out with his whole army, and he went to Mo'av and fought against them, and he subdued them, and Yahuah delivered them into his hands, and Ciychon slew the king of Mo'av.
And Ciychon took all the cities of Mo'av in the battle; he also took Cheshbon from them, for Cheshbon was one of the cities of Mo'av, and Ciychon placed his princes and his nobles in Cheshbon, and Cheshbon belonged to Ciychon in those days.
Therefore the parable speakers Be'or and Bil'am his son uttered these words, saying, Come unto Cheshbon, the city of Ciychon will be built and established.
Woe unto you Mo'av! you are lost, O people of Kemosh! behold it is written upon the Cepher of the Torah of Elohiym.
And when Ciychon had conquered Mo'av, he placed guards in the cities which he had taken from Mo'av, and a considerable number of the children of Mo'av fell in battle into the hand of Ciychon, and he made a great capture of them, sons and daughters, and he slew their king; so Ciychon turned back to his own land.
And Ciychon gave numerous presents of silver and gold to Be'or and Bil'am his son, and he dismissed them, and they went to Aram Naharayim to their home and country.
At that time all the children of Yashar'el passed from the road of the wilderness of Mo'av, and returned and surrounded the wilderness of Edom.
So the whole assembly came to the wilderness of Ciyn in the first month of the fortieth year from their departure from Mitsrayim, and the children of Yashar'el dwelt there in Qadesh, of the wilderness of Ciyn, and Miryam died there and she was buried there.
At that time Mosheh sent messengers to Hadad king of Edom, saying, Thus says your brother Yashar'el, Let me pass I pray you through your land, we will not pass through field or vineyard, we will not drink the water of the well; we will walk in the king's road.
And Edom said to him, You shall not pass through my country, and Edom went forth to meet the children of Yashar'el with a mighty people.
And the children of Esau refused to let the children of Yashar'el pass through their land, so Yashar'el removed from them and fought not against them.
For before this Yahuah had commanded the children of Yashar'el, saying, You shall not fight against the children of Esau, therefore Yashar'el removed from them and did not fight against them.
So the children of Yashar'el departed from Qadesh, and all the people came to Mount Hor.
At that time Yahuah said to Mosheh, Tell your brother Aharon that he shall die there, for he shall not come to the land which I have given to the children of Yashar'el.
And Aharon went up, at the command of Yahuah, to Mount Hor, in the fortieth year, in the fifth month, in the first day of the month.
And Aharon was one hundred and twenty three years old when he died in Mount Hor.