AT that time died Ba`al Chanan son of Akbor, king of Edom, and was buried in his house in the land of Edom.
And after his death the children of Esau sent to the land of Edom, and took from there a man who was in Edom, whose name was Hadad, and they made him king over them in the place of Ba`al Chanan, their king.
And Hadad reigned over the children of Edom forty eight years.
And when he reigned he resolved to fight against the children of Mo'av, to bring them under the power of the children of Esau as they were before, but he was not able, because the children of Mo'av heard this thing, and they rose up and hastened to elect a king over them from amongst their brethren.
And they afterward gathered together a great people, and sent to the children of Ammon their brethren for help to fight against Hadad king of Edom.
And Hadad heard the thing which the children of Mo'av had done, and was greatly afraid of them, and refrained from fighting against them.
In those days Mosheh, the son of Amram, in Midyan, took Tsipporah, the daughter of Re'u'el the Midyaniy, for a woman.
And Tsipporah walked in the ways of the daughters of Ya`aqov, she was nothing short of the righteousness of Sarah, Rivqah, Rachel and Le'ah.
And Tsipporah conceived and bore a son and he called his name Gershem, for he said, I was a stranger in a foreign land; but he circumcised not his foreskin, at the command of Re`u'el his father in law.
And she conceived again and bore a son, but circumcised his foreskin, and called his name Eliy`ezer, for Mosheh said, Because the Elohiym of my fathers was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Phar'oh.
And Phar'oh king of Mitsrayim greatly increased the labor of the children of Yashar'el in those days, and continued to make his yoke heavier upon the children of Yashar'el.
And he ordered a proclamation to be made in Mitsrayim, saying, Give no more straw to the people to make bricks with, let them go and gather themselves straw as they can find it.
Also the tally of bricks which they shall make let them give each day, and diminish nothing from them, for they are idle in their work.
And the children of Yashar'el heard this, and they mourned and sighed, and they cried unto Yahuah on account of the bitterness of their souls.
And Yahuah heard the cries of the children of Yashar'el, and saw the oppression with which the Mitsriym oppressed them.
And Yahuah was jealous of his people and his inheritance, and heard their voice, and he resolved to take them out of the affliction of Mitsrayim, to give them the land of Kena`an for a possession.