AT that time died Hadad the son of Bedad king of Edom, and Samlah from Mesrekah, from the country of the children of the east, reigned in his place.
In the thirteenth year of the reign of Phar'oh king of Mitsrayim, which was the hundred and twenty fifth year of Yashar'el going down into Mitsrayim, Samlah had reigned over Edom eighteen years.
And when he reigned, he drew forth his hosts to go and fight against Tsepho the son of Eliyphaz and the children of Kittiym, because they had made war against Angeas king of Africa, and they destroyed his whole army.
But he did not engage with him, for the children of Esau prevented him, saying, He was their brother, so Samlah listened to the voice of the children of Esau, and turned back with all his forces to the land of Edom, and did not proceed to fight against Tsepho the son of Eliyphaz.
And Phar'oh king of Mitsrayim heard this thing, saying, Samlah king of Edom has resolved to fight the children of Kittiym, and afterward he will come to fight against Mitsrayim.
And when the Mitsriym heard this matter, they increased the labor upon the children of Yashar'el, lest Yashar'el should do unto them as they did unto them in their war with the children of Esau in the days of Hadad.
So the Mitsriym said unto the children of Yashar'el, Hasten and do your work, and finish your task, and strengthen the land, lest the children of Esau your brethren should come to fight against us, for on your account will they come against us.
And the children of Yashar'el did the work of the men of Mitsrayim day by day, and the Mitsriym afflicted the children of Yashar'el in order to lessen them in the land.
But as the Mitsriym increased the labor upon the children of Yashar'el, so did the children of Yashar'el increase and multiply, and all Mitsrayim was filled with the children of Yashar'el.
And in the hundred and twenty fifth year of Yashar'el's going down into Mitsrayim, all the Mitsriym saw that their counsel did not succeed against Yashar'el, but that they increased and grew, and the land of Mitsrayim and the land of Goshen were filled with the children of Yashar'el.
So all the elders of Mitsrayim and its wise men came before the king and bowed down to him and sat before him.
And all the elders of Mitsrayim and the wise men thereof said unto the king, May the king live forever; you did counsel us the counsel against the children of Yashar'el, and we did unto them according to the word of the king.
But in proportion to the increase of the labor so do they increase and grow in the land, and behold the whole country is filled with them.
Now therefore our adoniy and king, the eyes of all Mitsrayim are upon you to give them advice with your wisdom, by which they may prevail over Yashar'el to destroy them, or to diminish them from the land; and the king answered them saying, Give you counsel in this matter that we may know what to do unto them.
And an officer, one of the king's counselors, whose name was Iyov, from Aram Naharayim, in the land of Uts, answered the king, saying,
If it please the king, let him hear the counsel of his servant; and the king said unto him, Speak.
And Iyov spoke before the king, the princes, and before all the elders of Mitsrayim, saying,
Behold the counsel of the king which he advised formerly respecting the labor of the children of Yashar'el is very good, and you must not remove from them that labor forever.
But this is the advice counseled by which you may lessen them, if it seems good to the king to afflict them.
Behold we have feared war for a long time, and we said, When Yashar'el becomes fruitful in the land, they will drive us from the land if a war should take place.
If it please the king, let a royal decree go forth, and let it be written in the laws of Mitsrayim which shall not be revoked, that every male child born to Yashar'el, his blood shall be spilled upon the ground.
And by your doing this, when all the male children of Yashar'el shall have died, the evil of their wars will cease; let the king do so and send for all the Ivriy midwives and order them in this matter to execute it; so the thing pleased the king and the princes, and the king did according to the word of Iyov.
And the king sent for the Ivriy midwives to be called, of which the name of one was Shephrah, and the name of the other Pu'ah.
And the midwives came before the king, and stood in his presence.
And the king said unto them, When you do the office of a midwife to the Ivriyth women, and see them upon the stools, if it be a son, then you shall kill him, but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.
But if you will not do this thing, then will I burn you up and all your houses with fire.
But the midwives feared Elohiym and did not hearken to the king of Mitsrayim nor to his words, and when the Ivriyth women brought forth to the midwife son or daughter, then did the midwife do all that was necessary to the child and let it live; thus did the midwives all the days.
And this thing was told to the king, and he sent and called for the midwives and he said to them, Why have you done this thing and have saved the children alive?
And the midwives answered and spoke together before the king, saying,
Let not the king think that the Ivriyth women are as the Mitsriyth women, for all the children of Yashar'el are lively, and before the midwife comes to them they are delivered, and as for us your handmaids, for many days no Ivriy woman has brought forth upon us, for all the Ivriyth women are their own midwives, because they are lively.
And Phar'oh heard their words and believed them in this matter, and the midwives went away from the king, and Elohiym dealt well with them, and the people multiplied and waxed exceedingly.