Chapter 62


IN that year, being the seventy ninth year of Yashar'el going down to Mitsrayim, died Re'uven the son of Ya`aqov, in the land of Mitsrayim; Re'uven was a hundred and twenty five years old when he died, and they put him into a coffin, and he was given into the hands of his children.


And in the eightieth year died his brother Dan; he was a hundred and twenty years at his death, and he was also put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children.


And in that year died Chusham king of Edom, and after him reigned Hadad the son of Bedad, for thirty five years; and in the eighty first year died Yisshakar the son of Ya`aqov, in Mitsrayim, and Yisshakar was a hundred and twenty two years old at his death, and he was put into a coffin in Mitsrayim, and given into the hands of his children.


And in the eighty second year died Asher his brother, he was a hundred and twenty three years old at his death, and he was placed in a coffin in Mitsrayim, and given into the hands of his children.


And in the eighty third year died Gad, he was a hundred and twenty five years old at his death, and he was put into a coffin in Mitsrayim, and given into the hands of his children.


And it came to pass in the eighty fourth year, that is the fiftieth year of the reign of Hadad, son of Bedad, king of Edom, that Hadad assembled all the children of Esau, and he got his whole army in readiness, about four hundred thousand men, and he directed his way to the land of Mo'av, and he went to fight with Mo'av and to make them tributary to him.


And the children of Mo'av heard this thing, and they were very much afraid, and they sent to the children of Midyan to assist them in fighting with Hadad, son of Bedad, king of Edom.


And Hadad came unto the land of Mo'av, and Mo'av and the children of Midyan went out to meet him, and they placed themselves in battle array against him in the field of Mo'av.


And Hadad fought with Mo'av, and there fell of the children of Mo'av and the children of Midyan many slain ones, about two hundred thousand men.


And the battle was very severe upon Mo'av, and when the children of Mo'av saw that the battle was sore upon them, they weakened their hands and turned their backs, and left the children of Midyan to carry on the battle.


And the children of Midyan knew not the intentions of Mo'av, but they strengthened themselves in battle and fought with Hadad and all his host, and all Midyan fell before him.


And Hadad smote all Midyan with a heavy smiting, and he slew them with the edge of the sword, he left none remaining of those who came to assist Mo'av.


And when all the children of Midyan had perished in battle, and the children at Mo'av had escaped, Hadad made all Mo'av at that time tributary to him, and they became under his hand, and they gave a yearly tax as it was ordered, and Hadad turned and went back to his land.


And at the revolution of the year, when the rest of the people of Midyan that were in the land heard that all their brethren had fallen in battle with Hadad for the sake of Mo'av, because the children of Mo'av had turned their backs in battle and left Midyan to fight, then five of the princes of Midyan resolved with the rest of their brethren who remained in their land, to fight with Mo'av to avenge the cause of their brethren.


And the children of Midyan sent to all their brethren the children of the east, and all their brethren, all the children of Qeturah came to assist Midyan to fight with Mo'av.


And the children of Mo'av heard this thing, and they were greatly afraid that all the children of the east had assembled together against them for battle, and they the children of Mo'av sent a memorial to the land of Edom to Hadad the son of Bedad, saying,


Come now unto us and assist us and we will smite Midyan, for they all assembled together and have come against us with all their brethren the children of the east to battle, to avenge the cause of Midyan that fell in battle.


And Hadad, son of Bedad, king of Edom, went forth with his whole army and went to the land of Mo'av to fight with Midyan, and Midyan and the children of the east fought with Mo'av in the field of Mo'av, and the battle was very fierce between them.


And Hadad smote all the children of Midyan and the children of the east with the edge of the sword, and Hadad at that time delivered Mo'av from the hand of Midyan, and those that remained of Midyan and of the children of the east fled before Hadad and his army, and Hadad pursued them to their land, and smote them with a very heavy slaughter, and the slain fell in the road.


And Hadad delivered Mo'av from the hand of Midyan, for all the children of Midyan had fallen by the edge of the sword, and Hadad turned and went back to his land.


And from that day forth, the children of Midyan hated the children of Mo'av, because they had fallen in battle for their sake, and there was a great and mighty enmity between them all the days.


And all that were found of Midyan in the road of the land of Mo'av perished by the sword of Mo'av, and all that were found of Mo'av in the road of the land of Midyan, perished by the sword of Midyan; thus did Midyan unto Mo'av and Mo'av unto Midyan for many days.


And it came to pass at that time that Yahudah the son of Ya`aqov died in Mitsrayim, in the eighty sixth year of Ya`aqov's going down to Mitsrayim, and Yahudah was a hundred and twenty nine years old at his death, and they embalmed him and put him into a coffin, and he was given into the hands of his children.


And in the eighty ninth year died Naphtaliy, he was a hundred and thirty two years old, and he was put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children.


And it came to pass in the ninety first year of Yashar'el going down to Mitsrayim, that is in the thirtieth year of the reign of Tsepho the son of Eliyphaz, the son of Esau, over the children of Kittiym, the children of Africa came upon the children of Kittiym to plunder them as usual, but they had not come upon them for these thirteen years.


And they came to them in that year, and Tsepho the son of Eliyphaz went out to them with some of his men and smote them desperately, and the troops of Africa fled from before Tsepho and the slain fell before him, and Tsepho and his men pursued them, going on and smiting them until they were near unto Africa.


And Angeas king of Africa heard the thing which Tsepho had done, and it vexed him exceedingly, and Angeas was afraid of Tsepho all the days.

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