AND the sons of Ya`aqov rose up and took Binyamiyn and the whole of the presents, and they went and came to Mitsrayim and they stood before Yoceph.
And Yoceph beheld his brother Binyamiyn with them and he saluted them, and these men came to Yoceph's house.
And Yoceph commanded the superintendent of his house to give to his brethren to eat, and he did so unto them.
And at noon time Yoceph sent for the men to come before him with Binyamiyn, and the men told the superintendent of Yoceph's house concerning the silver that was returned in their sacks, and he said unto them, It will be well with you, fear not, and he brought their brother Shim`on unto them.
And Shim`on said unto his brethren, The adoniy of the Mitsriym has acted very kindly unto me, he did not keep me bound, as you saw with your eyes, for when you went out from the city he let me free and dealt kindly with me in his house.
And Yahudah took Binyamiyn by the hand, and they came before Yoceph, and they bowed down to him to the ground.
And the men gave the present unto Yoceph and they all sat before him, and Yoceph said unto them, Is it well with you, is it well with your children, is it well with your aged father? and they said, It is well, and Yahudah took the record which Ya`aqov had sent and gave it into the hand of Yoceph.
And Yoceph read the cepher and knew his father's writing, and he wished to weep and he went into an inner room and he wept a great weeping; and he went out.
And he lifted up his eyes and beheld his brother Binyamiyn, and he said, Is this your brother of whom you spoke unto me? And Binyamiyn approached Yoceph, and Yoceph placed his hand upon his head and he said unto him, May Elohiym be gracious unto you my son.
And when Yoceph saw his brother, the son of his mother, he again wished to weep, and he entered the chamber, and he wept there, and he washed his face, and went out and refrained from weeping, and he said, Prepare food.
And Yoceph had a cup from which he drank, and it was of silver beautifully inlaid with onyx stones and bdellium, and Yoceph struck the cup in the sight of his brethren while they were sitting to eat with him.
And Yoceph said unto the men, I know by this cup that Re'uven the firstborn, Shim`on and Leviy and Yahudah, Yisshakar and Zevulun are children from one mother, seat yourselves to eat according to your births.
And he also placed the others according to their births, and he said, I know that this your youngest brother has no brother, and I, like him, have no brother, he shall therefore sit down to eat with me.
And Binyamiyn went up before Yoceph and sat upon the throne, and the men beheld the acts of Yoceph, and they were astonished at them; and the men ate and drank at that time with Yoceph, and he then gave presents unto them, and Yoceph gave one gift unto Binyamiyn, and Menashsheh and Ephrayim saw the acts of their father, and they also gave presents unto him, and Acenath gave him one present, and they were five presents in the hand of Binyamiyn.
And Yoceph brought them out wine to drink, and they would not drink, and they said, From the day on which Yoceph was lost we have not drunk wine, nor eaten any delicacies.
And Yoceph swore unto them, and he pressed them hard, and they drank plentifully with him on that day, and Yoceph afterward turned to his brother Binyamiyn to speak with him, and Binyamiyn was still sitting upon the throne before Yoceph.
And Yoceph said unto him, have you begotten any children? and he said, your servant has ten sons, and these are their names, Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera, Na`aman, Echiy, Ro'sh, Muppiym, Chuppiym, and Ard, and I called their names after my brother whom I have not seen.
And he ordered them to bring before him his map of the stars, whereby Yoceph knew all the times, and Yoceph said unto Binyamiyn, I have heard that the Ivriym are acquainted with all wisdom, do you know anything of this?
And Binyamiyn said, Your servant is knowing also in all the wisdom which my father taught me, and Yoceph said unto Binyamiyn, Look now at this instrument and understand where your brother Yoceph is in Mitsrayim, who you said went down to Mitsrayim.
And Binyamiyn beheld that instrument with the map of the stars of heaven, and he was wise and looked therein to know where his brother was, and Binyamiyn divided the whole land of Mitsrayim into four divisions, and he found that he who was sitting upon the throne before him was his brother Yoceph, and Binyamiyn wondered greatly, and when Yoceph saw that his brother Binyamiyn was so much astonished, he said unto Binyamiyn, What have you seen, and why are you astonished?
And Binyamiyn said unto Yoceph, I can see by this that Yoceph my brother sits here with me upon the throne, and Yoceph said unto him, I am Yoceph your brother, reveal not this thing unto your brethren; behold I will send you with them when they go away, and I will command them to be brought back again into the city, and I will take you away from them.
And if they dare their lives and fight for you, then shall I know that they have repented of what they did unto me, and I will make myself known to them, and if they forsake you when I take you, then shall you remain with me, and I will wrangle with them, and they shall go away, and I will not become known to them.
At that time Yoceph commanded his officer to fill their sacks with food, and to put each man's money into his sack, and to put the cup in the sack of Binyamiyn, and to give them provision for the road, and they did so unto them.
And on the next day the men rose up early in the morning, and they loaded their asses with their grain, and they went forth with Binyamiyn, and they went to the land of Kena`an with their brother Binyamiyn.
They had not gone far from Mitsrayim when Yoceph commanded him that was set over his house, saying, Rise, pursue these men before they get too far from Mitsrayim, and say unto them, Why have you stolen my adoniy's cup?
And Yoceph's officer rose up and he reached them, and he spoke unto them all the words of Yoceph; and when they heard this thing they became exceedingly wroth, and they said, He with whom your adoniy's cup shall be found shall die, and we will also become slaves.
And they hastened and each man brought down his sack from his ass, and they looked in their bags and the cup was found in Binyamiyn's bag, and they all tore their garments and they returned to the city, and they smote Binyamiyn in the road, continually smiting him until he came into the city, and they stood before Yoceph.
And Yahudah's anger was kindled, and he said, This man has only brought me back to destroy Mitsrayim this day.
And the men came to Yoceph's house, and they found Yoceph sitting upon his throne, and all the mighty men standing at his right and left.
And Yoceph said unto them, What is this act that you have done, that you took away my silver cup and went away? but I know that you took my cup in order to know thereby in what part of the land your brother was.
And Yahudah said, What shall we say to our adoniy, what shall we speak and how shall we justify ourselves? Elohiym has this day found the iniquity of all your servants, therefore has he done this thing to us this day.
And Yoceph rose up and caught hold of Binyamiyn and took him from his brethren with violence, and he came to the house and locked the door at them, and Yoceph commanded him that was set over his house that he should say unto them, Thus says the king, Go in peace to your father, behold I have taken the man in whose hand my cup was found.