Chapter 45


AND it was at that time in that year, which is the year of Yoceph's going down to Mitsrayim after his brothers had sold him, that Re'uven the son of Ya`aqov went to Timna and took unto him for a woman Eliyuram, the daughter of Aviy the Kena`aniy, and he came to her.


And Eliyuram the woman of Re'uven conceived and bore him Chanok, Pallu, Chetsron and Karmiy, four sons; and Shim`on his brother took his sister Diynah for a woman, and she bore unto him Yemu'el, Yamiyn, Ohad, Yakiyn and Tsochar, five sons.


And he afterward came to Bun'ah the Kena`aniy woman, the same is Bun'ah whom Shim`on took captive from the city of Shekem, and Bun'ah was before Diynah and attended upon her, and Shim`on came to her, and she bore unto him Sha'ul.


And Yahudah went at that time to Adullam, and he came to a man of Adullam, and his name was Chiyrah, and Yahudah saw there the daughter of a man from Kena`an, and her name was Aliyath, the daughter of Shua, and he took her, and came to her, and Aliyath bore unto Yahudah, Er, Onan and Shiyloh; three sons.


And Leviy and Yisshakar went to the land of the east, and they took unto themselves for women the daughters of Yovav the son of Yoqtan, the son of Eber; and Yovav the son of Yoqtan had two daughters; the name of the elder was Adiynah, and the name of the younger was Ariydah.


And Leviy took Adiynah, and Yisshakar took Ariydah, and they came to the land of Kena`an, to their father's house, and Adiynah bore unto Leviy, Gershon, Qohath and Merariy; three sons.


And Ariydah bore unto Yisshakar Tola, Pu'ah, Yov and Shimron, four sons; and Dan went to the land of Mo'av and took for a woman Aphlaleth, the daughter of Chamudan the Mo'aviy, and he brought her to the land of Kena`an.


And Aphlaleth was barren, she had no offspring, and Elohiym afterward remembered Aphlaleth the woman of Dan, and she conceived and bore a son, and she called his name Chushiym.


And Gad and Naphtaliy went to Haran and took from thence the daughters of Amuram the son of Uts, the son of Nachor, for women.


And these are the names of the daughters of Amuram; the name of the elder was Meriymah, and the name of the younger Uziyth; and Naphtaliy took Meriymah, and Gad took Uziyth; and brought them to the land of Kena`an, to their father's house.


And Meriymah bore unto Naphtaliy Yachtse'el, Guniy, Yester and Shillem, four sons; and Uziyth bore unto Gad Tsiphyon, Chaggiy, Shuniy, Etsbon, Eriy, Arvadiy and Ar'eliy, seven sons.


And Asher went forth and took Adon the daughter of Aphlal, the son of Hadad, the son of Yishma'el, for a woman, and he brought her to the land of Kena`an.


And Adon the woman of Asher died in those days: she had no offspring; and it was after the death of Adon that Asher went to the other side of the river and took for a woman Hadurah the daughter of Aviyma'el, the son of Eber, the son of Shem.


And the young woman was of a comely appearance, and a woman of sense, and she had been the woman of Malkiy'el the son of Eylam, the son of Shem.


And Hadurah bore a daughter unto Malkiy'el, and he called her name Serach, and Malkiy'el died after this, and Hadurah went and remained in her father's house.


And after the death of the woman of Asher he went and took Hadurah for a woman, and brought her to the land of Kena`an, and Serach her daughter he also brought with them, and she was three years old, and the damsel was brought up in Ya`aqov's house.


And the damsel was of a comely appearance, and she went in the sanctified ways of the children of Ya`aqov; she lacked nothing, and Yahuah gave her wisdom and understanding.


And Hadurah the woman of Asher conceived and bore unto him Yimnah, Yishvah, Yishviy and Beriy'ah; four sons.


And Zevulun went to Midyan, and took for a woman Meriyshah the daughter of Molad, the son of Aviyda, the son of Midyan, and brought her to the land of Kena`an.


And Merushah bore unto Zevulun Cered, Eylon and Yachle'el; three sons.


And Ya`aqov sent to Aram, the son of Tsovah, the son of Terach, and he took for his son Binyamiyn Mechalia the daughter of Aram, and she came to the land of Kena`an to the house of Ya`aqov; and Binyamiyn was ten years old when he took Mechalia the daughter of Aram for a woman.


And Mechalia conceived and bore unto Binyamiyn Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera and Na`aman, five sons; and Binyamiyn went afterward and took for a woman Aribath, the daughter of Shimron, the son of Avraham, in addition to his first woman, and he was eighteen years old; and Aribath bore unto Binyamiyn Echiy, Ro'sh, Muppiym, Chuppiym, and Ard; five sons.


And in those days Yahudah went to the house of Shem and took Tamar the daughter of Eylam, the son of Shem, for a woman for his firstborn Er.


And Er came to his woman Tamar, and she became his woman, and when he came to her he outwardly destroyed his seed, and his work was evil in the sight of Yahuah, and Yahuah slew him.


And it was after the death of Er, Yahudah's firstborn, that Yahudah said unto Onan, go to your brother's woman and marry her as the next of kin, and raise up seed to your brother.


And Onan took Tamar for a woman and he came to her, and Onan also did like unto the work of his brother, and his work was evil in the sight of Yahuah, and he slew him also.


And when Onan died, Yahudah said unto Tamar, Remain in your father's house until my son Shiyloh shall have grown up, and Yahudah did no more delight in Tamar, to give her unto Shiyloh, for he said, Perchance he will also die like his brothers.


And Tamar rose up and went and remained in her father's house, and Tamar was in her father's house for some time.


And at the revolution of the year, Aliyath the woman of Yahudah died; and Yahudah was comforted for his woman, and after the death of Aliyath, Yahudah went up with his friend Chiyrah to Timna to shear their sheep.


And Tamar heard that Yahudah had gone up to Timna to shear the sheep, and that Shiyloh was grown up, and Yahudah did not delight in her.


And Tamar rose up and put off the garments of her widowhood, and she put a veil upon her, and she entirely covered herself, and she went and sat in the public thoroughfare, which is upon the road to Timna.


And Yahudah passed and saw her and took her and he came to her, and she conceived by him, and at the time of being delivered, behold, there were twins in her womb, and he called the name of the first Perets, and the name of the second Zerach.

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