Chapter 82


NOW, my son Methushelach, all these things I speak unto you, and write for you. To you I have revealed all, and have given you cepheriym of everything.


Preserve, my son Methushelach, the cepheriym written by your father; that you may reveal them to future generations.


Wisdom have I given you, to your children, and your posterity, that they may reveal to their children, for generations forever, this wisdom in their thoughts; and that those who comprehend may not slumber, but hear with their ears; that they may learn this wisdom, and be deemed worthy of eating wholesome food.


Blessed are all the righteous; blessed are all who walk in righteousness; in whom is no crime, as in sinners, when all their days are numbered.


With respect to the progress of the sun in heaven, it enters and goes out of gate for thirty days, with the leaders of the thousand classes of the stars; with four which are added, and appertain to the four quarters of the year, which conduct them, and accompany them at four periods.


Respecting these, men greatly err, and do not calculate them in the calculation of every age; for they greatly err respecting them; nor do men know accurately that they are in the calculation of the year. But indeed these are marked down forever; one in the first gate, one in the third, one in the fourth, and one in the sixth:


So that the year is completed in three hundred and sixty-four days.


Truly has been stated, and accurately has been calculated that which is marked down; for the luminaries, the months, the fixed periods, the years, and the days, Uriy'el has explained to me, and communicated to me; whom Yahuah of all creation, on my account, commanded (according to the might of heaven, and the power which it possesses both by night and by day) to explain light to man, of the sun, moon, and stars, and of all the powers of heaven, which are turned with their respective orbs.


This is the ordinance of the stars, which set in their places, in their seasons, in their periods, in their days, and in their months.


These are the names of the those who conduct them, who watch and enter in their seasons, according to their ordinance in their periods, in their months, in their influence, and in their stations.


Four conductors of them first enter, who separate the four quarters of the year. After these, twelve conductors of their classes, who separate the months and the year, three hundred and sixty-four, with the leaders of a thousand, who distinguish between the days, as well as between the four additional ones; which conductors, divide the four quarters of the year.


These leaders of a thousand are in the midst of the conductors, and the conductors are added each behind his station, and their conductors make the separation. These are the names of the conductors, who separate the four quarters of the year, who are appointed: Melk'el, Helammelak,


Meliy'al, and Nar'el.


And the names of those who conduct them are Adnar'el, Jyasus'al, and Jyelume'al.


These are the three who follow after the conductors of the classes; each following after the three conductors of the classes, which themselves follow after those conductors of the stations, who divide the four quarters of the year.


In the first part of the year rises and rules Melkyas, who is named Tamani, and Zahai, (the southern sun).


All the days of his influence, which he rules, are ninety-one days.


And these are the signs of the days which are seen upon the earth. In the days of his influence perspiration, heat, and trouble. All the trees become fruitful; the leaf of every tree comes forth; the grain is reaped; the rose and every species of flowers blossoms in the field; and the trees of winter are dried up.


These are the names of the conductors who are under them: Bark'el, Zelsab'el; and another additional conductor of a thousand is named Heloyalef, the days of those influence have been completed. The other conductor next after them is Helemmelek, whose name they call the splendid Zahai (sun).


All the days of his light are ninety-one days.


These are the signs of the days upon earth, heat and drought; while the trees bring forth their fruits, warmed and concocted, and give their fruits to dry.


The flocks follow, mate and bear young. All the fruits of the earth are collected, with everything in the fields, and the vines are trodden. This takes place during the time of his influence.


These are their names and orders, and the conductors who are under them, of those who are chiefs of a thousand: Gedaey'al, Ke'el, He'el.


And the name of the additional leader of a thousand is Aspha'el.


The days of his influence have been completed.

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