AND now, my son Methushelach, I have shown you everything; and every ordinance of the stars of heaven is finished.
He showed me every ordinance respecting these, which is at all times and in all seasons under every influence, in all years, at the arrival and under the rule of each, during every month and every week. Also the decrease of the moon, which is effected in the sixth gate; for in that sixth gate is its light consumed.
From this is the beginning of the month; and its decrease is effected in the sixth gate in its period, until a hundred and seventy-seven days are completed; according to the mode of calculation by weeks, twenty-five and two days.
It is less than that of the sun, according to the ordinance of the stars, by five days in one time precisely.
When that visible situation is completed. Such is the appearance and likeness of every luminary, which Uriy'el, the great angel who conducts them, showed to me.