AFTER that period, in the place where I had seen every secret sight, I was snatched up in a whirlwind, and carried off westwards.
There my eyes beheld the secrets of heaven, and all which existed on earth; a mountain of iron, a mountain of copper, a mountain of silver, a mountain of gold, a mountain of fluid metal, and a mountain of lead.
And I inquired of the angel who went with me, saying, what are these things, which in secret I behold?
He said, all these things which you behold shall be for the dominion of Mashiach that he may command, and be powerful upon earth.
And that angel of peace answered me, saying, Wait but a short time, and you shall understand, and every secret thing shall be revealed to you, which Yahuah Tseva'oth has decreed. Those mountains which you have seen, the mountain of iron, the mountain of copper, the mountain of silver, the mountain of gold, the mountain of fluid metal, and the mountain of lead, all these in the presence of the Elect One shall be like a honeycomb before the fire, and like water descending from above upon these mountains; and shall become debilitated before his feet.
In those days men shall not be saved by gold and by silver.
Nor shall they have it in their power to secure themselves, and to fly.
There shall be neither iron for war, nor a coat of mail for the breast.
Copper shall be useless; useless also that which neither rusts nor consumes away; and lead shall not be coveted.
All these things shall be rejected, and perish from off the earth, when the Elect One shall appear in the presence of Yahuah Tseva'oth.