AFTER these things Toviyahu went his way, praising Elohiym that he had given him a prosperous journey, and blessed Re'u'el and Edna his woman, and went on his way till they drew near unto Niyneveh.
Then Rapha'el said to Toviyahu, You know, brother, how you did leave your father:
Let us haste before your woman, and prepare the house.
And take in your hand the gall of the fish. So they went their way, and the dog went after them.
Now Channah sat looking about toward the way for her son.
And when she espied him coming, she said to his father, Behold, your son comes, and the man that went with him.
Then said Rapha'el, I know, Toviyahu, that your father will open his eyes.
Therefore anoint his eyes with the gall, and being pricked therewith, he shall rub, and the whiteness shall fall away, and he shall see you.
Then Channah ran forth, and fell upon the neck of her son, and said unto him, Seeing I have seen you, my son, from henceforth I am content to die. And they wept both.
Toviyahu also went forth toward the door, and stumbled: but his son ran unto him,
And took hold of his father: and he strake of the gall on his fathers' eyes, saying, Be of good hope, my father.
And when his eyes began to smart, he rubbed them;
And the whiteness pilled away from the corners of his eyes: and when he saw his son, he fell upon his neck.
And he wept, and said, Blessed are you, O Elohiym, and blessed is your name forever; and blessed are all your holy angels:
For you have scourged, and have taken pity on me: for, behold, I see my son Toviyahu. And his son went in rejoicing, and told his father the great things that had happened to him in Madai.
Then Toviyahu went out to meet his daughter in law at the gate of Niyneveh, rejoicing and praising Elohiym: and they which saw him go marvelled, because he had received his sight.
But Toviyahu gave thanks before them, because Elohiym had mercy on him. And when he came near to Sarah his daughter in law, he blessed her, saying, You are welcome, daughter: Elohiym be blessed, which has brought you unto us, and blessed be your father and your mother. And there was joy among all his brethren which were at Niyneveh.
And Achiacharus, and Nasbas his brother's son, came:
And Toviyahu's wedding was kept seven days with great joy.