Chapter 85


KNOW ye, moreover, that in former times and in the generations of old our fathers had helpers, righteous men and holy prophets:


Nay more, we were in our own land (and they helped us when we sinned), and they interceded for us with him who made us, (because they trusted in their works), and El Elohiym heard their prayer and forgave us.


But now the righteous have been gathered and the prophets have fallen asleep, and we also have gone forth from the land, and Tsiyon has been taken from us, and we have nothing now save El Elohiym and his Torah.


If therefore we direct and dispose our hearts, we shall receive everything that we lost, and much better things than we lost by many times.


For what we have lost was subject to corruption, and what we shall receive shall not be corruptible.


Moreover, also, I have written thus to our brethren to Babel, that to them also I may attest these very things.


And let all those things aforesaid be always before your eyes, because we are still in the ruach and the power of our liberty.


Again, moreover, El Elyon also is longsuffering towards us here, and he has shown to us that which is to be and has not concealed from us what will befall in the end.


Before therefore judgment exact its own, and truth that which is its due, let us prepare our soul that we may possess, and not be taken possession of, and that we may hope and not be put to shame, and that we may rest with our fathers, and not be tormented with our enemies.


For the youth of the world is past, and the strength of the creation already exhausted, and the advent of the times is very short, yea, they have passed by; and the pitcher is near to the cistern, and the ship to the port, and the course of the journey to the city, and life to its consummation.


And again prepare your souls, so that when ye sail and ascend from the ship ye may have rest and not be condemned when ye depart.


For lo! when El Elyon will bring to pass all these things, there shall not there be again a place of repentance, nor a limit to the times, nor a duration for the hours, nor a change of ways, nor place for prayer, nor sending of petitions, nor receiving of knowledge, nor giving of love, nor place of repentance for the soul, nor supplication for offences, nor intercession of the fathers, nor prayer of the prophets, nor help of the righteous.


For there is the sentence of corruption, the way of fire, and the path which brings to She'ol.


On this account there is one Torah by one, one age and an end for all who are in it.


Then he will guard those whom he can forgive, and at the same time destroy those who are polluted with sins.

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