Chapter 82


THEREFORE, my brethren, I have written to you, that ye may comfort yourselves regarding the multitude of your tribulations.


For know ye that our Maker will assuredly avenge us on all our enemies, according to all that they have done to us, also that the consummation which El Elyon will make is very nigh, and his mercy that is coming, and the consummation of his judgment is by no means far off.


For lo! we see now the multitude of the prosperity of the other nations, though they act impiously, but they shall be like a vapor:


And we behold the multitude of their power, though they do wickedly, but they shall be made like unto a drop:


And we see the firmness of their might. though they resist El Elohiym every hour, but they shall be accounted as spittle.


And we consider the glory of their greatness, though they do not guard the statutes of El Elyon, but as smoke shall they pass away.


And we meditate on the beauty of their gracefulness; though they have to do with pollutions, but as grass that withers shall they fade away.


And we consider the strength of their cruelty, though they remember not the end thereof, but as a wave that passes shall they be broken.


And we remark the boastfulness of their might, though they deny the beneficence of Elohiym, who gave it to them, but they shall pass away as a passing cloud.

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