AND now, my brethren, I make known unto you that when the enemy had surrounded the city, the angels of El Elyon were sent, and they overthrew the fortifications of the strong wall, and they destroyed the firm iron corners, which could not be rooted out.
Nevertheless, they hid all the vessels of the sanctuary, lest the enemy should get possession of them.
And when they had done these things, they delivered thereupon to the enemy the overthrown wall, and the plundered house, and the burnt Temple, and the people who were overcome because they were delivered up, lest the enemy should boast and say:
Thus by force have we been able to lay waste even the house of El Elyon in war.
Your brethren also have they bound and led away to Babel, and have caused them to dwell there.
But we have been left here, being very few.
This is the tribulation about which I wrote to you. For assuredly I know that the consolation of the inhabitants of Tsiyon consol you: so far as ye knew that it was prospered your consolation was greater than the tribulation which ye endured in having to depart from it.