Chapter 67


AND the black eleventh waters which you have seen: this is the calamity which is now befalling Tsiyon.


Do you think that there is no anguish to the angels in the presence of El Elohiym, that Tsiyon was so delivered up, and that lo! the other nations boast in their hearts, and assemble before their idols and say: She is trodden down who oft times trod down, and she has been reduced to servitude that reduced others?


Do you think that in these things El Elyon rejoices, or that his name is glorified?


But how will it serve towards his righteous judgment?


Yet after these things shall the dispersed among the other nations be taken hold of by tribulation, and in shame shall they dwell in every place.


Because so far as Tsiyon is delivered up and Yerushalayim laid waste, shall idols prosper in the cities of the other nations, and the vapor of the smoke of the incense of the righteousness which is by the Torah is extinguished in Tsiyon, and in the region of Tsiyon in every place lo! there is the smoke of impiety.


But the king of Babel will arise who has now destroyed Tsiyon, and he will boast over the people, and he will speak great things in his heart in the presence of El Elyon.


But he also shall fall at last. These are the black waters.

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