AND the bright eighth waters which you have seen, this is the rectitude and uprightness of Yechizqiyahu king of Yahudah and the grace of Elohiym which came upon him.
For when Cancheriyv was stirred up in order that he might perish, and his wrath troubled him in order that he might thereby perish, for the multitude also of the nations which were with him.
When, moreover, Yechizqiyahu the king heard those things which the king of Ashshur was devising, that he was coming to seize him and destroy his people, the two and a half tribes which remained: nay, more he wished to overthrow Tsiyon also: then Yechizqiyahu trusted in his works, and had hope in his righteousness, and spoke with El Elohiym and said:
Behold, for lo! Cancheriyv is prepared to destroy us, and he will be boastful and uplifted when he has destroyed Tsiyon.
And El Elohiym heard him, for Yechizqiyahu was wise, and he had respect unto his prayer, because he was righteous.
And thereupon El Elohiym commanded Ramiy'el his angel who speaks with you.
And I went forth and destroyed their multitude, the number of whose chiefs only was a hundred and eighty five thousand, and each one of them had an equal number at his command.
And at that time I burned their bodies within, but their raiment and arms I preserved outwardly, in order that the still more wonderful deeds of El Elohiym might appear, and that thereby his name might be spoken of throughout the whole earth.
And Tsiyon was saved and Yerushalayim delivered:
Yashar'el also was freed from tribulation. And all those who were in the holy land rejoiced, and the name of El Elohiym was glorified so that it was spoken of.
These are the bright waters which you have seen.