Chapter 46


AND my son and the elders of the people answered and said unto me: Has El Elohiym humiliated us to such a degree as to take you from us quickly?


And truly we shall be in darkness and there shall be no light to the people who are left.


For where again shall we seek the Torah, or who will distinguish for us between death and life?


And I said unto them: The throne of El Elohiym I cannot resist. Nevertheless, there shall not be wanting to Yashar'el a wise man nor a son of the Torah to the seed of Ya`aqov.


But only prepare ye your hearts that ye may obey the Torah and be subject to those who in fear are wise and understanding; and prepare your souls that ye may not depart from them.


For if ye do these things good news shall come unto you. Which I before told you of; nor shall ye fall into the torment, of which I testified to you before.


But with regard to the word that I was to be taken I did not make it known to them or to my son.

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