BUT as for you, if ye prepare your hearts, so as to sow in them the fruits of the Torah, it shall protect you in that time in which El Elohiym is to shake the whole creation.
Because after a little time the building of Tsiyon will be shaken in order that it may be built again.
But that building will not remain, but will again after a time be rooted out, and will remain desolate until the time.
And afterwards it must be renewed in glory, and perfected forevermore.
Therefore, we should not be distressed so much over the evil which has now come as over that which is still to be.
For there will be a greater trial than these two tribulations when El Elohiym will renew his creation.
And now do not draw near to me for a few days, nor seek me till I come to you.
And it came to pass when I had spoken to them all these words, that I, Baruk, went my way, and when the people saw me setting out, they lifted up their voice and lamented and said:
Whither do you depart from us, Baruk, and forsake us as a father who forsakes his orphan children, and departs from them?