Chapter 29


AND he answered and said unto me: Whatsoever will then befall will befall the whole earth; therefore all who live will experience them.


For at that time I will protect only those who are found in those selfsame days in this land.


And it shall come to pass when all is accomplished that was to come to pass in those parts, that Ha'mashiach shall then begin to be revealed.


And Behemoth shall be revealed from his place and Leviathan shall ascend from the sea, those two great monsters which I created on the fifth day of creation, and shall have kept until that time; and then they shall be for food for all that are left.


The earth also shall yield its fruit ten thousandfold and on each vine there shall be a thousand branches, and each branch shall produce a thousand clusters, and each cluster produce a thousand grapes, and each grape produce a cor of wine.


And those who have hungered shall rejoice: moreover, also, they shall behold marvels every day.


For winds shall go forth from before me to bring every morning the fragrance of aromatic fruits, and at the close of the day clouds distilling the dew of health.


And it shall come to pass at that selfsame time that the treasury of manna shall again descend from on high, and they will eat of it in those years, because these are they who have come to the consummation of time.

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