AND it came to pass after these things, that I, Baruk, was standing upon Mount Tsiyon, and lo! a voice came from the height and said unto me:
Stand upon your feet, Baruk, and hear the Word of El Elohiym.
Because you have been astonished at what has befallen Tsiyon, you shall therefore be assuredly preserved to the consummation of the times, that you may be for a testimony.
So that, if ever those prosperous cities say: Why has El Elohiym brought upon us this retribution?'
Say unto them, you and those like you who shall have seen this evil: This is the evil and retribution which is coming upon you and upon your people in its destined time that the nations may be throughly smitten.
And then they shall be in anguish.
And if they say at that time: For how long?
You will say to them: Ye who have drunk the strained wine, drink ye also of its dregs, the judgment of the Lofty One, who has no respect of persons.
On this account he had aforetime no mercy on his own sons, but afflicted them as his enemies, because they sinned.
Then therefore were they chastened that they might be sanctified.
But now, ye peoples and nations, ye are guilty because ye have always trodden down the earth, and used the creation unrighteously.
For I have always benefited you. And ye have always been ungrateful for the beneficence.