AND these are the words of the cepher, which Baruk the son of Neriyahu, the son of Ma`aseyahu, the son of Cedekyahu, the son of Acadyahu, the son of Qelkyahu, wrote in Babel,
In the fifth year, and in the seventh day of the month, what time as the Kasdiym took Yerushalayim, and burnt it with fire.
'And Baruk did read the words of this cepher in the hearing of Yekonyahu the son of Yahuyaqiym king of Yahudah, and in the ears of all the people that came to hear the cepher,
'And in the hearing of the nobles, and of the king's sons, and in the hearing of the elders, and of all the people, from the lowest unto the highest, even of all them that dwelt at Babel by the river Cud.
'Whereupon they wept, fasted, and prayed before Yahuah.
'They made also a collection of money according to every man's power:
'And they sent it to Yerushalayim unto Yoakiym the high priest, the son of Qelkyahu, the son of Shalom, and to the priests, and to all the people which were found with him at Yerushalayim,
'At the same time when he received the vessels of the house of Yahuah, that were carried out of the Temple, to return them into the land of Yahud, the tenth day of the month Ciyvan, namely, silver vessels, which Cedekyahu the son of Yo'shiyahu king of Yahudah had made,
'After that Nevukadne'tstsar king of Babel had carried away Yekonyahu, and the princes, and the captives, and the mighty men, and the people of the land, from Yerushalayim, and brought them unto Babel.
And they said, Behold, we have sent you money to buy you ascending smoke offerings, and sin offerings, and incense, and prepare ye manna, and offer upon the altar of Yahuah Elohaynu;
And pray for the life of Nevukadne'tstsar king of Babel, and for the life of Ba`alsha'tstsar his son, that their days may be upon earth as the days of heaven:
And Yahuah will give us strength, and lighten our eyes, and we shall live under the shadow of Nevukadne'tstsar king of Babel, and under the shadow of Ba`alsha'tstsar his son, and we shall serve them many days, and find favor in their sight.
'Pray for us also unto Yahuah Elohaynu, for we have sinned against Yahuah Elohaynu; and unto this day the fury of Yahuah and his wrath is not turned from us.
'And ye shall read this cepher which we have sent unto you, to make confession in the house of Yahuah, upon the feasts and solemn days.
'And ye shall say, To Yahuah Elohaynu belongs righteousness, but unto us the confusion of faces, as it is come to pass this day, unto them of Yahud, and to the inhabitants of Yerushalayim,
'And to our kings, and to our princes, and to our priests, and to our prophets, and to our fathers:
'For we have sinned before Yahuah,
'And disobeyed him, and have not hearkened unto the voice of Yahuah Elohaynu, to walk in the commandments that he gave us openly:
'Since the day that Yahuah brought our forefathers out of the land of Mitsrayim, unto this present day, we have been disobedient unto Yahuah Elohaynu, and we have been negligent in not hearing his voice.
'Wherefore the evils cleaved unto us, and the curse, which Yahuah appointed by Mosheh his servant at the time that he brought our fathers out of the land of Mitsrayim, to give us a land that flows with milk and honey, like as it is to see this day.
'Nevertheless we have not hearkened unto the voice of Yahuah Elohaynu, according unto all the words of the prophets, whom he sent unto us:
'But every man followed the imagination of his own wicked heart, to serve strange elohiym, and to do evil in the sight of Yahuah Elohaynu.